2021 | |||||||||
2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 |
2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 |
2000 |
Zdun A., Stoń-Egiert J., Ficek D., Ostrowska M., 2021, Seasonal and spatial changes of primary production in the Baltic Sea (Europe) based on in situ measurements in the period of 1993–2018, Frontiers in Marine Science, 7, 604532,
Szubert K., Toruńska-Sitarz A., Stoń-Egiert J., Wiglusz M., Mazur-Marzec H., 2021, Comparative characterization of two cyanobacteria strains of the order Spirulinales isolated from the Baltic Sea - polyphasic approach in practice, Algal Research, 55 102170,
Stramska, M., Konik M., Aniskiewicz P., Jakacki J., Darecki M., 2021, Comparisons of Satellite and Modeled Surface Temperature and Chlorophyll Concentrations in the Baltic Sea with In Situ Data, Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 3049.
Wichorowski M., Stoń-Egiert J., Rutkowski K., Krzymiński W, Piotrowski M., Wójcik M., 2021, Recent developments in oceanographic data and information system for Polish NODC initiative, Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata, Vol 62 S1. 313-315
Ostrowska M., Stoń-Egiert J., Zdun A., 2021, SatBałtyk System - modern tool for monitoring and research of the Baltic Sea, Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata, Vol 62 S1. 146-148
Zapadka T., Ostrowska M., Stoltmann D., Krężel A., 2020, A satellite system for monitoring the radiation budget at the Baltic Sea surface, Remote Sensing of Environment 240,
Cegłowska M., Toruńska-Sitarz A., Stoń-Egiert J., Mazur-Marzec H., Kosakowska A., 2020, Characteristics of cyanobacterium Pseudanabaena galeata CCNP1313 from the Baltic Sea, Algal Research 47, 101861,
Stramska M., Stoń-Egiert J., Ostrowska M., 2020, Towards modeling growth rates of cyanobacteria in the Baltic Sea, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 242, 106853,
Meler J., Woźniak S.B., Stoń-Egiert J., 2020, Comparison of methods for indirectly estimating the phytoplankton population size structure and their preliminary modifications adapted to the specific conditions of the Baltic Sea, Journal of Marine Systems, 212, 103446,
Trudnowska E., Balazy K., Stoń-Egiert J., Smolina I., Brown T.A., Gluchowska M., 2020; In a comfort zone and beyond – plasticity of ecological traits of Calanus tested in various hydrographical conditions, Ecology and Evolution, 10,14067–14081,
Konik M., Kowalczuk P., Zabłocka M., Makarewicz A., Meler J., Zdun A., Darecki M., 2020, Empirical Relationships between Remote-Sensing Reflectance and Selected Inherent Optical Properties in Nordic Sea SurfaceWaters for the MODIS and OLCI Ocean Colour Sensors, Remote Sensing, 12, 2774,
Śliwińska-Wilczewska S., Cieszyńska A., Konik M., Latała A., 2019, Environmental factors controlling the occurrence of bloom-forming cyanobacteria in aquatic ecosystems, on the basis of the Baltic Sea, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 219, 139-150,
Konik M., Kowalewski M., Bradtke K., Darecki M., 2019, The operational method of filling information gaps in satellite imagery using numerical models, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 75, 68–82,
Jędrasik J., Kowalewski M., 2019, Mean annual and seasonal circulation patterns and long-term variability of currents in the Baltic Sea, Journal of Marine System, 193, 1-26, doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2018.12.011
Stoń-Egiert J., Majchrowski R., Ostrowska M., 2019, Distributions of photosynthetic and photoprotecting pigment concentrations in the water column in the Baltic Sea: an improved mathematical description, Oceanologia, 61(1), 1-16,
Stramska M., Aniskiewicz P., 2019, Recent Large Scale Environmental Changes in the Mediterranean Sea and Their Potential Impacts on Posidonia Oceanica, Remote Sensing, 11(2), 110,
Stramska M., Aniskiewicz P., 2019, Satellite Remote Sensing Signatures of the Major Baltic Inflows, Remote Sensing, 11(8), 954.
Kowalczuk, P., Sagan S., Makarewicz A., Meler J., Borzycka K., Zabłocka M., Zdun A., Konik M., Darecki M., Granskog M. A., Pavlov A. K., 2019, Bio-optical properties of surface waters in the Atlantic Water inflow region off Spitsbergen (Arctic Ocean), Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, 124(3), 1964-1987,
Cieszyńska A., Stramska M., 2018, Climate-related trends and meteorological conditions in the Porsanger fjord, Norway, Oceanologia, 60(3), 344-366,
Makarewicz A., Kowalczuk P., Sagan S., Granskog M. A., Pavlov A. K., Zdun A., Borzycka K., Zabłocka M., 2018, Characteristics of chromophoric and fluorescent dissolved organic matter in the Nordic Seas, Ocean Science, 14, 543-562,
Meler J., Woźniak S. B., Stoń-Egiert J., Woźniak B., 2018, Parameterization of the spectral light absorption coefficient of phytoplankton in the Baltic Sea: general, monthly and two-component variants of approximation formulas, Ocean Science,
Ostrowska M., Darecki M., 2018, SatBałtyk - the sense of the Baltic environment, Bollettino di Geofisica teorica ed applicata, 59, 81-83
Śliwińska-Wilczewska S., Cieszyńska A., Maculewicz J., Latała A., 2018, Ecophysiological characteristics of red, green, and brown strains of the Baltic picocyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. – a laboratory study, Biogeosciences, 15, 6257-6276,
Stramska M., Børsheim K. Y., Jankowski A., Søiland H., Cieszyńska A., 2018, Observations of coastal ocean currents in the Barents Sea (Porsangerfjord) during the summers of 2014 and 2015, Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 211, 6-22,
Wichorowski M., Piotrowski M., Szymanek L., Pączek U., Ostrowska M., Wójcik M., 2018, - towards the Polish Oceanographic Data Committee, Bollettino di Geofisica teorica ed applicata, 59, 27-28
Woźniak S.B., Sagan S., Zabłocka M., Stoń-Egiert J., Borzycka K., 2018, Light scattering and backscattering by particles suspended in the Baltic Sea in relation to the mass concentration of particles and the proportions of their organic and inorganic fractions, Journal of Marine Systems, 182, 79-96,
Białogrodzka J., Stramska M., Ficek D., Wereszka M., 2018, Total suspended particulate matter in the Porsanger fjord (Norway) in the summers of 2014 and 2015, Oceanologia, 60(1), 1-15,
Meler J., Ostrowska M., Stoń-Egiert J., Zabłocka M., 2017, Seasonal and spatial variability of light absorption by suspended particles in the southern Baltic: A mathematical description, Journal of Marine Systems, 170, 68–87,
Meler J., Ostrowska M., Ficek D., Zdun A., 2017, Light absorption by phytoplankton in the southern Baltic and Pomeranian lakes: mathematical expressions for remote sensing applications, Oceanologia, 59(3), 195-212,
Kowalewski M., Kowalewska-Kalkowska H., 2017, Sensitivity of the Baltic Sea level prediction to spatial model resolution, Journal of Marine Systems, 173, 101–113,
Bożena Wojtasiewicz, Joanna Stoń-Egiert, Bio-optical characterization of selected cyanobacteria strains present in marine and freshwater ecosystems, Journal of Applied Phycology, 2016, doi 10.1007/s10811-015-0774-3.
Justyna Meler, Mirosława Ostrowska, Joanna Stoń-Egiert, Seasonal and spatial variability of phytoplankton and non-algal absorption in the surface layer of the Baltic, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2016, doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2016.06.012.
Agnieszka Zdun, Anna Rozwadowska, Susan Kratzer, The impact of air mass advection on aerosol optical properties over Gotland (Baltic Sea), Atmospheric Research, 2016, 182, 142-155, doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2016.07.022.
Justyna Meler, Piotr Kowalczuk, Mirosława Ostrowska, Dariusz Ficek, Monika Zabłocka, Agnieszka Zdun, Parameterization of the light absorption properties of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in the Baltic Sea and Pomeranian lakes, Ocean Science, 2016,12, 1013-1032, doi:10.5194/os-12-1013-2016.
Małgorzata Stramska, Jagoda Bialogrodzka, Satellite observations of seasonal and regional variability of particulate organic carbon concentration in the Barents Sea, Oceanologia, 2016, 58, 4, 249-263,
Małgorzata Stramska, Andrzej Jankowski, Agata Cieszynska, Surface currents in the Porsanger fjord in northern Norway, Polish Polar Research, 2016, 37, 3, 337–360, 2016, doi: 10.1515/popore-2016-0018.
Lech Kasyk, Kowalewski Marek, Pyrchla Jerzy, Kijewska Monika, Leyk Martyna, Modeling the impact of surface currents in a harbor using graph theory, Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie, 2016, 46 (118), 189-196,
Kowalewski M., 2015, The flow of nitrogen into the euphotic zone of the Baltic Proper as a result of the vertical migration of phytoplankton: An analysis of the long-term observations and ecohydrodynamic model simulation, Journal of Marine Systems,Volume 145, May 2015, Pages 53–68
Marra J.F., Dickey T.D., Plueddemann A.J., Weller R., Kinkade A., Christopher S., Stramska M., 2015, Phytoplankton bloom phenomena in the North Atlantic Ocean and Arabian Sea – ICES Journal of Marine Science, 72 (6): 2021-2028, DOI: 10.1093/icesjms/fsu241 (publikacja afiliowana z IOPAN)
Ostrowska M., Stoń-Egiert J., Woźniak B., 2015, Modified methods for defining the chlorophyll concentration in the sea using submersible fluorimeters – Theoretical and quantitative analysis, Continental Shelf Research, 109, 46-54,
Ostrowska M., Darecki M., Krężel A., Ficek D., Furmańczyk K., 2015, Practical applicability and preliminary results of the Baltic Environmental Satellite Remote Sensing System (SatBałtyk), Polish Maritime Research, ISSN 1233-2585, 3(87), 22, 43-49
Świrgoń M., Stramska M., 2015, Comparison of in situ and satellite ocean color determinations of particulate organic carbon concentration in the global ocean, OCEANOLOGIA 57(1), pp 25–31
Stramska M., Białogrodzka J., 2015, Spatial and temporal variability of sea surface temperature in the Baltic Sea based on 32-years (1982–2013) of satellite data, Oceanologia, 57(3), 223-235 ISSN 0078-3234,
Stramska M., Cieszyńska A., 2015, Ocean colour estimates of particulate organic carbon reservoirs in the global ocean – revisited, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 36:14, 3675-3700, DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2015.1049380 (publikacja afiliowana z IOPAN, Stramska udzial 75%)
Stramski D., Reynolds R.A., Kaczmarek S., Uitz J., Zhen G., 2015, Correction of pathlength amplification in the filter-pad technique for measurements of particulate absorption coefficient in the visible spectral region, Applied Optics, 54, 22, 6763-6782, doi: 10.1364/AO.54.006763
Jakowczyk M., Stramska M., 2014, Spatial and temporal variability of satellite-derived sea surface temperature in the Barents Sea, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 35, 17, 6545–6560
Kowalewski M., Dera J., Darecki M., Ostrowska M., Woźniak B., 2014, System Operacyjny satelitarnej kontroli środowiska Morza Bałtyckiego (SO SatBałtyk); Rozdział 16 , VI Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowo – Techniczna NATCON 2014, Gdańsk, redaktor naukowy Czesław Dyrcz, 2014, Technologie morskie dla Obronności i Bezpieczeństwa, wydanie elektroniczne: ISBN 978-83-930150-4-7
Pyrchla J., Kowalewski M., Leyk M., Przyborski M., Siedlik J., Zieliński M., 2014, Sieciocentryczny system informacji geograficznej Zatoki Gdańskiej. Wspomagania działań operacyjnych morskich służb państwowych. Wydawnictwo Polskiego Internetowego Informatora Geodezyjnego, Seria GEOMATYKA, Gdańsk, 168 pp.
Sobiechowska-Sasim M., Stoń-Egiert J., Kosakowska A., 2014, Quantitative analysis of extracted phycobilin pigments in cyanobacteria—an assessment of spectrophotometric and spectrofluorometric methods, Journal of Applied Phycology, 26, 2065-2074, DOI 10.1007/s10811-014-0244-3
Stramska M., Świrgoń M., 2014, Influence of atmospheric forcing and freshwater discharge on interannual variability of the vertical diffuse attenuation coefficient at 490 nm in the Baltic Sea, Remote Sensing of Environment, Volume 140, pp 155-164
Stramska M., 2014, Particulate organic carbon in the surface waters of the North Atlantic: spatial and temporal variability based on satellite ocean colour, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 35, 13, 4717-4738
Ficek D., Dera J., Woźniak B., 2013, UV absorption reveals mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) in Tatra mountain lake phytoplankton, OCEANOLOGIA, 55(3), 599–609, doi:10.5697/oc.55-3.599.
Stramska M., 2013. Temporal variability of the Baltic Sea level based on satellite observations,Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science,
Stramska M., Chudziak N., 2013, Recent multiyear trends in the Baltic Sea level, OCEANOLOGIA, 55(2), 319–337, doi:10.5697/oc.55-2.319.
Stramska M., H. Kowalewska-Kalkowska, M. Swirgon, 2013, Seasonal variability of the Baltic Sea level,Oceanologia, 55 (4)
Stramska M., M. Swirgon, 2013. Influence of atmospheric forcing and freshwater discharge on interannual variability of the vertical diffuse attenuation coefficient at 490 nm in the Baltic Sea, Remote Sensing of Environment,
Stramska M., Zuzewicz A., 2013, Influence of the parametrization of water optical properties on the modelled sea surface temperature in the Baltic Sea. OCEANOLOGIA, no. 55(1), pp. 53-76
Stramska M., Zuzewicz A., 2013, Comparison of primary productivity estimates in the Baltic Sea based on the DESAMBEM algorithm with estimates based on other similar algorithms. OCEANOLOGIA, no. 55(1), pp. 77-100
Ficek D., Meler J., Zapadka T., Woźniak B., Dera J., 2012, Inherent optical properties and remote sensing reflectance of Pomeranian lakes (Poland), OCEANOLOGIA, 54 (4), pp. 611-630.
Ostrowska M., Woźniak B., Dera J., 2012, Modelled quantum yields and energy efficiency of fluorescence, photosynthesis and heat production by phytoplankton in the World Ocean, OCEANOLOGIA, 54 (4), pp. 565-610.
Ostrowska M., 2012, Model dependences of the deactivation of phytoplankton pigment excitation energy on environmental conditions in the sea, OCEANOLOGIA, 54 (4), pp. 545-564.
Stoń-Egiert J., Majchrowski R., Darecki M., Kosakowska A., Ostrowska M., 2012, Influence of underwater light fields on pigment characteristics in the Baltic Sea – results of statistical analysis, OCEANOLOGIA, 54 (1), pp. 7–27.
Ostrowska M., 2012, Model of the dependence of the sun-induced chlorophyll a fluorescence quantum yield on the environmental factors in the sea, OPTICS EXPRESS 2 Vol. 20 No 21, 23303
Woźniak B., Bradtke K., Darecki M., Dera J., Dzierzbicka L., Ficek D.,Furmańczyk K., Kowalewski M.,. Krężel A,. Majchrowski R, Ostrowska M., Paszkuta, M. Stoń-Egiert J., Stramska M., Zapadka T., 2011, SatBaltic – A Baltic environmental satellite remote sensing system – an ongoing Project in Poland. Part 1: Assumptions, scope and operating range, OCEANOLOGIA, 53(4), 897-924.
Woźniak B., Bradtke K., Darecki M., Dera J., Dudzińska-Nowak J.,Dzierzbicka L., Ficek D., Furmańczyk K., Kowalewski M., Krężel A., Majchrowski R., Ostrowska M., Paszkuta M., Stoń-Egiert J., Stramska M., Zapadka T., 2011, SatBaltic – A Baltic environmental satellite remote sensing system – an ongoing Project in Poland. Part 2: Practica applicability and preliminary results, OCEANOLOGIA, 53(4), 925-958.
Ficek D., Zapadka T., Dera J. 2011, Remote sensing reflectance of Pomeranian lakes and the Baltic, OCEANOLOGIA, 53(4), 959-970.
Ostrowska M., 2011, Dependence between the quantum yield of chlorophyll a fluorescence in marine phytoplankton and trophicity in low irradiance level. Optica Applicata 2011(Vol.41), No.3, pp. 567-577.
Woźniak B., Bradtke K., Darecki M., Dera J., Dudzińska-Nowak J., Dzierzbicka L., Ficek D., Furmańczyk K., Kowalewski M., Krężel A., Majchrowski R., Ostrowska M., Paszkuta M., Stoń-Egiert J., Stramska M., Zapadka T., 2011, The current Baltic environmental satellite remote sensing study - SatBaltic (an ongoing project in Poland), Proceedings of VI International Conference "Current Problems in Optics of Natural Waters", Nauka, Saint Petersburg, 45-50
Zdun A., Rozwadowska A., Kratzer S., 2011, Seasonal variability in the optical properties of Baltic aerosols, OCEANOLOGIA, 53 (1), 7–34.
Stoń-Egiert J., Łotocka M., Ostrowska M., Kosakowska A., 2010, The influence of biotic factors on phytoplankton pigment composition and resources in Baltic ecosystems: new analytical results, Oceanologia, 52(1), 101-125
Dera J., Woźniak B., 2010, Solar radiation in the Baltic Sea: Oceanologia 2010, 52(4), 533-582.
Ficek D., Meler J., Zapadka T., Stoń-Egiert J., Woźniak B., 2009, Modelling of the Light Absorption Coefficients of Phytoplankton in Polish Lakes, Proceedings of V International Conference Current Problems in Optics of Natural Waters, ONW’2009, 103-110.
Majchrowski R., Ostrowska M., Woźniak B., Simple Mathematical Expression Describing Vertical Algae Accessory Pigment Distributions for Remote Sensing Application, Proceedings of V International Conference Current Problems in Optics of Natural Waters, ONW’2009, 111-116.
Piwosz K., Walkusz W. , Hapter R., Wieczorek P., Hop H., Wiktor J. , 2009, Comparison of productivity and phytoplankton in a warm (Kongsfjorden) and a cold (Hornsund) Spitsbergen fjord in mid-summer 2002, Polar Biol., 32, 549-559. DOI 10.1007/s00300-008-0549-2
Zapadka T., Krężel A., Woźniak B., 2008, Longwave radiation budget at the Baltic Sea surface from satellite and atmospheric model data, Oceanologia 2008, 50(2), pp. 147-166.
Woźniak B., Krężel A., Darecki M., Woźniak S. B., Majchrowski R., Ostrowska M., Kozłowski Ł., Ficek D., Dera J., 2008, Algorithm for the remote sensing of the Baltic ecosystem (DESAMBEM). Part 1: Mathematical apparatus, Oceanologia, 50(4), 451-508.
Darecki M., Ficek D., Krężel A., Ostrowska M., Majchrowski R., Woźniak S. B., Bradtke K., Dera J., Woźniak B., 2008, Algorithms for the remote sensing of the Baltic ecosystem (DESAMBEM ). Part 2: Empirical validation, Oceanologia, 50(4), 509-538.
Ostrowska M., Lotocka M., Kownacka J., Lednicka B., Kunicka J., Wozniak B., 2008, Possibilities of Using Measurements of Chlorophyll Fluorescence Excitation for Studying the Natural Phytoplankton Community in the Baltic, Ken Voss and Planing Committee, Ocean Optics XIX Conference, Braga, Italy, CD-ROM of the Oceanography Society, Abstracts, 2 p.
Woźniak B., Krężel A. , Ficek D., Darecki M., Ostrowska M., Woźniak S. B. , Majchrowski R., Bradtke K., Kozlowski Ł., Dera J., 2008, Algorithm for the Satellite Remote Sensing of the Baltic Ecosystem (DESAMBEM), Ken Voss and Planing Committee, Ocean Optics XIX Conference, Braga, Italy, CD-ROM of the Oceanography Society, Abstracts, 2 p.
Zapadka T., Krężel A., Woźniak B., 2008, Computations of the Net Longwave Radiation at the Baltic Sea Surface Using Satellite and Atmospheric Data, Ken Voss and Planing Committee, Ocean Optics XIX Conference, Braga, Italy, CD-ROM of the Oceanography Society, Abstracts, 2 p.
Zapadka T., Woźniak B., Dera J., 2007, A more accurate formula for calculating the net longwave radiation flux in the Baltic Sea, Oceanologia, 49(4), 449-470.
Ostrowska M., Majchrowski R., Stoń-Egiert J., Woźniak B., Dera J., 2007, Remote sensing of vertical phytoplankton pigment distributions in the Baltic: new mathematical expressions. PART 1: Total chlorophyll a distribution, Oceanologia, 49(4), 471-489.
Majchrowski R., Stoń-Egiert J., Ostrowska M., Woźniak B., Ficek D., Dera J., Lednicka B., 2007, Remote sensing of vertical phytoplankton pigment distributions in the Baltic: new mathematical expressions. PART 2: Accessory pigment distribution, Oceanologia, 49(4), 491-511.
Woźniak B., Majchrowski R., Ostrowska M., Ficek D., Dera J., Kunicka J., 2007, Remote sensing of vertical phytoplankton pigment distributions in the Baltic: new mathematical expressions. PART 3: Non-photosynthetic pigment absorption factor, Oceanologia, 49(4), 513-526.
Woźniak B., Ficek D., Ostrowska M., Majchrowski R., Dera J., 2007, Photosynthesis quantum yield in the Baltic; a new mathematical expression for remote sensing applications, Oceanologia, 49(4), 527-542.
Woźniak B., Krężel A., Darecki M., Dera J., 2007, Satellite monitoring of spatial variability in the Baltic Sea ecosystem: possible applications of the DESAMBEM algorithm, Proceedings of SPIE Current Research on Remote Sensing, Laser Probing, and Imagery in Natural Waters, Iosif M. Levin, Gary D. Gilbert, Vladimir I. Haltrin, Charles C. Trees, Editors, Apr. 13, Volume 6615, 661503
Woźniak B., Woźniak S. B., Tyszka K., Ostrowska M., Ficek D., Majchrowski R., Dera J., 2006, Modelling the light absorption properties of particulate matter forming organic particles suspened in seawater. Part 3. Practical applications, Oceanologia, 48(4), 479-507.
Woźniak B., Dera J., 2006, Satellite Monitoring of the Baltic Marine Ecosystem – an Ongoing Project in Poland, Environmental research, engineering and management, 1(35), 77-83.
Masin M., Zdun. A., Ston-Egiert J., Nausch M., Labrentz M., Moulisova V., Koblizek M., 2006, Seasonal changes and diversity of aerobic anoxygenic phototrophs in the Baltic Sea, Aquatic Microbial Ecology Vol. 45, 247-254
Ficek D., Kaczmarek S., Stoń-Egiert J., Woźniak B., Majchrowski R., Dera J.,, 2005, Spectra of light absorption by phytoplankton pigments in the Baltic, Proceedings of the III International Conference: Current Problems in Optics of Natural Waters ONW`2005, 187-192.
B. Woźniak, S. B. Woźniak, K. Tyszka, J. Dera, 2005, Modelling the light absorption properties of particulate matter forming organic particles suspended in seawater. Part 1. Model description, classification of organic particles, and example spectra of the light absorption coefficient and the imaginary part of the refractive index of particulate matter for phytoplankton cells and phytoplankton-like particles, Oceanologia 47(2), 129-164.
Woźniak B., Woźniak S. B., Tyszka K., Ostrowska M., Majchrowski R., Ficek D., Dera J., 2005, Modelling the light absorption properties of particulate matter forming organic particles suspened in seawater. Part 2. Modeling results, Oceanologia, 47(4), 621-662.
Woźniak B., Dera J., 2005, Tangled Colors of the Sea, oraz wersja polska: Splątane barwy morza, Academia, 1(5), 28-29.
Rozwadowska A., Zdun A., Influence of air mass history on aerosol optical thickness spectrum in the Baltic area, Abstracts of the European Aerosol Conference 2005, 707
Stoń-Egiert J., Kosakowska A., 2005, RP-HPLC determination of phytoplankton pigments – comparison of calibration results for two columns, Marine Biology, 147, 251-260
Kowalczuk P., Stoń J., Cooper W.J., Whitehead R.F, Durako M.J., 2005, Characterization of Chromophoric dissolved organic Matter (CDOM) in the Baltic Sea by Excitation Emission Matrix fluorescence spectroscopy, Marine Chemistry, 96, 273-292
Koblizek M., Stoń-Egiert J., Sagan S., Kobler Z.S., 2005, Diel changes in bacteriochlorophyll a concentration suggest rapid bacterioplankton cycling in the Baltic Sea, FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 51, 353-361
Woźniak B., Krężel A., Dera J., 2004, Development of a satellite method for Baltic ecosystem monitoring (DESAMBEM) - an ongoing project in Poland, Oceanologia 46(3), 445-455.
Ficek D., Kaczmarek S., Stoń-Egiert J., Woźniak B., Majchrowski R., Dera J., 2004, Spectra of light absorption by phytoplankton pigments in the Baltic; conclusions to be drawn from a Gaussian analysis of empirical data, Oceanologia 46(4), 533-555.
Rozwadowska, A., Zdun A., 2004, Impact of mass type and history on aerosol optical properties in the Baltic area, J. Aeros. Sci., Abstracts of the European Aerosol Conference , 541-542.
Drozdowska V., Walczowski W., Hapter R., Stoń J., Irczuk M., Zieliński T., Piskozub J., 2004, Fluorescence characteristics of the upper water layer of Arctic seas based on the lidar and spectrophotometric and optical methods, EARSeL eProcidings 3, 136-142
Kosakowska A., Lewandowska J., Stoń J., Burkiewicz K., 2004, Qualitative and quantitative composition of pigments in Phaeodactylum tricornutum (Bacillariophyceae) stressed by iron, BioMetals, 17, 45-52
Woźniak B., Dera J., Ficek D., Majchrowski R.,Ostrowska M., Kaczmarek S., 2003, Modelling light and photosynthesis in the marine environment, Oceanologia 45(2),171-245.
Ficek D., Majchrowski R., Ostrowska M., Kaczmarek S., Woźniak B., Dera J., 2003, Practical applications of the multi-component marine photosynthesis model (MCM), Oceanologia 45(3), 395-423.
Woźniak B., Rozwadowska A., Kaczmarek S., Woźniak S.B., Ostrowska M., 2003, Seasonal variability of the solar radiation flux and its utilisation in the Southern Baltic, ICES Cooperative Research Report No 257, 280-298.
Woźniak B., Ficek D., Majchrowski R., Ostrowska M., Kaczmarek S., Dera J., 2003, A new complex algorithm of determination of marine bio-optical properties and the primary production, Proceedings of the II International Conference "Current Problems in Optics of Natural Waters" ONM'2003, 8-12 September, St. Petersburg, Russia, 35-39.
Stramska M., Stramski D., Hapter R., Kaczmarek S., Stoń J., 2003, Bio-optical relationships and ocean colour algorithms for the north polar region of the Atlantic, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol 108, C5, 3143, doi:10.1029/2001JC001195
Stramska M., Stramski D., Hapter R., Kaczmarek S., Stoń J., 2003, Correction to „Bio-optical relationships and ocean colour algorithms for the north polar region of the Atlantic”, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol 108, C7, 3239, doi:10.1029/2003JC001983
Woźniak B., Dera J., Ficek D., Ostrowska M., Majchrowski R., Kaczmarek S., Kuzio M., 2002, The current bio-optical study of marine phytoplankton, Optica Applicata, Vol. XXXII, No. 4, 731-747.
Woźniak B., Dera J., Ficek D., Ostrowska M., Majchrowski R., 2002, Dependence of the photosynthesis quantum yield in oceans on environmental factors, Oceanologia 44(4), 439-459.
Woźniak B., Dera J., Ficek D., Ostrowska M., Majchrowski R., 2002, Dependence of the photosynthesis quantum yield in oceans on environmental factors, CD-ROM Ocean Optics XVI Conference, November 18 – 22, 2002 - Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Stoń J., Kosakowska A., 2002, Phytoplankton pigment designation – an application of RP-HPLC in qualitative and quantitative analysis, Journal of Applied Phycology 14, 205-210
Stoń J., Kosakowska A., 2002, Changes in phytoplankton pigments composition during 2000 in different Southern Baltic regiones, Oceanological Studies XXXI, 1-2, 75-89
Stoń J., Kosakowska A., Łotocka M., Łysiak-Pastuszak E., 2002, Pigment composition in relation to phyytoplankton community structure and nutrient content in the Baltic Sea, Oceanologia, 44 (4), 419-437
Woźniak B., 2001, Algorithm of Gaussian analysis of marine phytoplankton absorption spectra set - for using in BIOCOLOR programme, Słupskie Prace Matematyczno-Przyrodnicze 13a, 329-341.
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