
  • Dera J., 1983, Fizyka Morza (Marine Physics), PWN, Warszawa, 432 pp. (in Polish)

  • Koblentz-Mishke, O.J., Woźniak, B., Ochakovskiy, Yu. E., (eds.), 1985, Usvoenie solnechnoi energii v processe fotosinteza chernomorskogo i baltiiskogo fitoplanktona (Utilisation of the solar radiation energy in the photosynthesis process of the Black Sea and Baltic phytoplankton), Institute Of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

  • Dera J., 1992, Marine Physics, Elsevier Oceanography Series (with PWN co-ed.), Amsterdam - Oxford - New York - Tokyo - Warszawa, 510 pp.

  • Dera J., 1995, Underwater Irradiance as a Factor Affecting Primary Production, Dissertations and Monographs, IO PAS, 7 /1995, 114 pp.

  • Dera J., 2003, Fizyka Morza (Marine Physics, second edition, completed), PWN Warszawa, 541 pp.

  • Woźniak B., Dera J., 2007, Light absorption in sea water, Springre, NewYork, 452 pp.

  • Dera J. 2010, Przez Sopot na oceany (Through Sopot to the ocean, autobiography), Instytut Oceanologii PAN, Sopot, 393 pp.

  • Dera J., Massel S., Wyrwiński J., 2013, 60 lat Instytutu Oceanologii PAN w Sopocie;/ludzie, wydarzenia i osiągnięcia/. Wyd. Instytut Oceanologii PAN,Sopot, 216 stron.