Oceanologia No. 55 (2) / 13





Sea salt in aerosols over the southern Baltic. Part 1. The generation and transportation of marine particles
Oceanologia 2013, 55(2), 279-298

Anita Urszula Lewandowska*, Lucyna Mirosława Falkowska
Institute of Oceanography, University of Gdańsk,
al. Marszałka J. Piłsudskiego 46, 81-378 Gdynia, Poland;
e-mail: a.lewandowska@ug.edu.pl
*corresponding author

keywords: aerosols, sea salt, wind conditions, air mass influence, coastal zone

Received 28 September 2012, revised 30 January 2013, accepted 12 March 2013.

Parts of this paper were originally published in Polish: Lewandowska A., 2011,Chemizmaerozoli w rejonie Zatoki Gdańskiej, Wyd. UG, Gdańsk, 184 pp.


During five campaigns at sea and 11 on land in 2001-2007, aerosols were measured in the coastal zone and over the open sea in the Gdańsk Basin (southern Baltic). Sea salt concentrations were high both over Gdynia (2.0-12.2 µg m-3) and at sea (1.3-14.5 µg m-3). The intensity of the generation and transport of marine aerosols increased exponentially with wind speeds > 5 m s-1 over land and > 3 m s-1 over the Gulf of Gdańsk, this being most noticeable with Baltic and oceanic advection.Sea breezes were conducive to the transport of marine aerosols over land areas.The sea was also the origin of both sea salt and non-sea salt sulphate aerosols. An interesting increase in the proportion of non-sea salt-related sulphates (86.7%) was observed in spring, when the biological processes in the sea were more intense.

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full, complete article (PDF - compatibile with Acrobat 4.0), 641 KB

Sea salt in aerosols over the southern Baltic. Part 2. The neutralizing properties of sea salt and ammonia
Oceanologia 2013, 55(2), 299-318

Anita Urszula Lewandowska*, Lucyna Mirosława Falkowska
Institute of Oceanography, University of Gdańsk,
al. Marszałka J. Piłsudskiego 46, 81-378 Gdynia, Poland;
e-mail: a.lewandowska@ug.edu.pl
*corresponding author

keywords: sea salt, acid aerosols, neutralization, coastal zone

Received 28 September 2012, revised 30 January 2013, accepted 12 March 2013.

Parts of this paper were originally published in Polish: Lewandowska A., 2011,Chemizmaerozoli w rejonie Zatoki Gdańskiej, Wyd. UG, Gdańsk, 184 pp.


In 2001-2007 aerosols were measured in the coastal zone (11 campaigns) and over the open waters of the Gdańsk Basin (southern Baltic) (5 campaigns). The marine aerosols contained nitrogen and sulphur compounds, which increased their acidity. This situation intensified during the cool months of the year, when fossil fuel emissions were higher, proportionate to energy and heat requirements. Irrespective of the season, these acidic aerosols were neutralized in the reaction with sea salt. The likelihood of sodium nitrate being formed increased at air humidities > 80% and nitrate concentrations >30 nmol m-3. Sodium sulphate was present in aerosols mostly in autumn and winter, with northerly advection, and at the highest wind speeds. The excess of free ammonia resulted in the formation of ammonium sulphate and ammonium nitrate in aerosols over the southern Baltic.

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full, complete article (PDF - compatibile with Acrobat 4.0), 314 KB

Recent multiyear trends in the Baltic Sea level
Oceanologia 2013, 55(2), 319-337

Małgorzata Stramska1,*, Natalia Chudziak2
1 Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences,
Powstańców Warszawy 55,81-712 Sopot, Poland;
e-mail: mstramska@iopan.gda.pl
*corresponding author
2 Department of Earth Sciences, Szczecin University,
Mickiewicza 16, 70-383 Szczecin, Poland

keywords: Baltic Sea, regional oceanography, marginal and semi-enclosed seas, sea level: variations and mean

Received 13 February 2013, revised 3 April 2013, accepted 5 April 2013.

This work was supported through the SatBałtyk project funded by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund, (contract No. POIG.01.01.02-22-011/09 entitled "The Satellite Monitoring of the Baltic Sea Environment").


Sea level rise is one of the most direct consequences of climate change. It has been documented that sea level rise is globally subject to considerable spatial heterogeneity. There is an increased awareness of the need to create regional data records and projections of sea level trends, because specific regional processes can cause regional trends to diverge significantly from global averages. In this paper available multimission satellite altimetry data were used to estimate the multiyear trend in the Baltic Sea level. The estimated trend is about 0.33 cm yr-1, similar to the globally averaged sea level trend, but significantly larger than the regional trends estimated in the North Sea and North Atlantic. The decadal scale variability in the sea level trend in the Baltic Sea does not indicate a significant acceleration of the trend in recent years. Our analysis confirmsthat the interannual variability of sea level in the Baltic in winter is significantly correlated with the North Atlantic Oscillation index.

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Herbivory on macro-algae affects colonization of beach-cast algal wrack by detritivores but not its decomposition
Oceanologia 2013, 55(2), 339-358

Philip Eereveld1, Lena Hübner1, Gesa Schaefer1, Martin Zimmer1,2,*
1 Institute of Zoology, Christian-Albrechts University,
Am Botanischen Garten 9, 24118 Kiel, Germany
2 Paris-Lodron University, (FB Organismische Biologie),
Hellbrunnerstr. 34, 5020 Salzburg, Austria;
e-mail: martin.zimmer@sbg.ac.at
*corresponding author

keywords: induced anti-herbivore defence, macro-algal wrack, marine-terrestrial ecotone,spatial subsidy, trophic link

Received 4 October 2012, revised 20 February 2013, accepted 26 February 2013.


Spatial subsidies have increasingly been considered significant sources of matter and energy to unproductive ecosystems. However, subsidy quality may both differ between subsidizing sources and vary over time. In our studies, sub-littoral herbivory by snails or isopods on red or brown macro-algae induced changes in algal tissues that affected colonization of beach-cast algal wrack by supra-littoral detritivores (amphipods). However, microbial decay and decomposition through the joint action of detritivores and microbes of algal wrack in the supra-littoral remained unaffected by whether or not red or brown algae had been fed upon by snails or isopods. Thus, herbivory on marine macro-algae affects the cross-system connection of sub-littoral and supra-littoral food webs transiently, but these effects diminish upon ageing of macro-algal wrack in the supra-littoral zone.

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Annual spatio-temporal variation of the euphotic depth in the SW-Finnish archipelago, Baltic Sea
Oceanologia 2013, 55(2), 359-373

Hanna Luhtala*, Harri Tolvanen, Risto Kalliola
Department of Geography and Geology, University of Turku,
FI-20014 Turku, Finland;
e-mail: hanna.luhtala@utu.fi, harri.tolvanen@utu.fi, risto.kalliola@utu.fi
*corresponding author

keywords: light attenuation, euphotic zone, spatio-temporal variation, coastal waters, Baltic Sea

Received 28 May 2012, revised 14 February 2013, accepted 25 February 2013.

The study was financially supported by Kone Foundation, EU Life+ (FINMARINET project), and the Academy of Finland (project 251806).


We measured depth profiles of underwater PAR (photosynthetically active radiation) together with optically derived turbidity and chlorophyll fluorescence values at 11 sampling stations in the South-West Finnish archipelago of the Baltic Sea. The data were collected eight times during the spring, summer and early autumn of 2010. The results illustrate complex and multidimensional variations in the euphotic depth, which was subject to fourfold and twofold differences in the geographical and seasonal dimensions respectively. The spatio-temporal inconsistency and non-linearity of the seasonal euphotic depth variation calls for further studies at different spatial and temporal scales.

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Seasonal proximate and fatty acid variations of some seaweeds from the northeastern Mediterranean coast
Oceanologia 2013, 55(2), 375-391

Sevim Polat1, Yesim Ozogul2,*
1Department of Basic Sciences, Faculty of Fisheries, University of Çukurova
Adana, Turkey
2Department of Seafood Processing Technology, Faculty of Fisheries, University of Çukurova
Adana, Turkey;
e-mail: yozogul@cu.edu.tr
*corresponding author

keywords: seasonal fatty acids, GC, seaweeds, EPA, DHA

Received 20 September 2012, revised 8 February 2013, accepted 21 February 2013.


The seasonal nutritional value of red (Jania rubens, Laurencia papillosa, Spyridia filamentosa and Dasya rigidula) and brown macroalgae (Padina pavonia and Stypopodium schimperi) was evaluated as a dietary supplement for human and animal nutrition based on proximate and fatty acid profiles. The protein content varied from 0.80% (L. papillosa) to 3.41% (J. rubens) of wet weight with the highest values in winter. The highest lipid levels were recorded in S. schimperi (2.03% in spring, 2.16% in summer), the lowest in S. filamentosa (0.08% in spring). The ash content of J. rubens (46.11-51.63%) was significantly higher than that of the other species (2.28-16.57%). Analysis of the fatty acid composition showed that these seaweed species are very rich in n-3 fatty acids.

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Seven years of macroinfauna monitoring at Ladeira beach (Corrubedo Bay, NW Spain) after the Prestige oil spill
Oceanologia 2013, 55(2), 393-407

Juan Junoy1,2,*, Carolina Castellanos2, José Manuel Viéitez1,2, Rodrigo Riera3,4
1EU-US Marine Biodiversity Research Group, Instituto Franklin, Universidad de Alcalá,
E-28871 Alcalá de Henares, Spain
2Departamento de Ciencias de la Vida, Universidad de Alcalá,
E-28871 Alcalá de Henares, Spain;
e-mail: juan.junoy@uah.es
*corresponding author
Centro de Investigaciones Medioambientales del Atlántico (CIMA SL),
Arzobispo Elías Yanes, 44, E-38206 Canary Islands, Spain
4Department of Biodiversity, Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute (QEERI),
5825 Doha, Qatar

keywords: beach, seasonality, Prestige, oil spill, macroinfauna, supralittoral, intertidal, Galicia, Atlantic Ocean

Received 19 November 2012, revised 10 April 2013, accepted 16 April 2013.

This research was supported in part by the Project VEM2004-08544, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science and the Project ‘Biodiversidad marina en el Atlántico’,Instituto Franklin-Universidad de Alcalá.


The exposed sandy beach of Ladeira (Corrubedo Bay, NW Spain) was sampled during seven years (2003-2009) after the Prestige oil spill (winter 2002-03), to determine interannual variations in the macroinfaunal community in two ways: (i) through ecological indices (species richness and abundances, Shannon's diversity and Pielou's evenness) and (ii) through the density of the most representative species. A clear zonation pattern was found, consisting of two zones: (i) the supralittoral, occupied by talitrid amphipods, isopods and insects, and (ii) the intertidal, where marine crustaceans and polychaetes prevailed. The amphipods Talitrus saltator and Talorchestia deshayesii dominated from the drift line upwards, and isopods (Eurydice spp.), polychaetes (Scolelepis spp.) and the amphipod Pontocrates arenarius dominated the intertidal. Univariate indices remained constant throughout the study period in the supralittoral, but they varied widely in the intertidal zone. Multivariate analysis showed that the Prestige oil spill scarcely affected the macroinfaunal community structure during the study period (2003-2009) and its effect was limited just to the first campaign (2003), six months after the Prestige accident.

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Interannual variability in the population dynamics of the main mesozooplankton species in the Gulf of Gdańsk (southern Baltic Sea): Seasonal and spatial distribution
Oceanologia 2013, 55(2), 409-434

Lidia Dzierzbicka-Głowacka1,*, Marcin Kalarus2, Maria Iwona Żmijewska2
1Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences,
Powstańców Warszawy 55,81-712 Sopot, Poland;
e-mail: dzierzb@iopan.gda.pl
*corresponding author
2Institute of Oceanography, University of Gdańsk,
al. Marszałka J. Piłsudskiego 46,81-378 Gdynia, Poland

keywords: Acartia spp. Temora longicornis, Pseudocalanus sp., Gulf of Gdańsk,

Received 7 November 2012, revised 30 January 2013, accepted 11 March 2013.

This research was carried out with the support of a grant from the Polish State Committee for Scientific Research (No. NN306 353239).


The paper characterizes the population dynamics of the major Baltic calanoid copepod species (Acartia spp., Temora longicornis and Pseudocalanus sp.) in the Gulf of Gdańsk (southern Baltic Sea) from January 2006 to December 2007. The data were collected at six stations (M2, S1, S2, S3, S4, J23) located in the western part of the Gulf of Gdańsk. The objective of this research was to describe and compare the seasonal and spatial distributions of these three major copepod species. Their distributions in the study area are largely similar, although there are some exceptions regarding Pseudocalanus sp. Copepoda development in the Gulf was at its most intense from May to September, peaking in July. The abundance of these species was the least at the shallowest stations. Based on these results, the weighted mean depth WMD per developmental stage was calculated for Pseudocalanus sp., Acartia spp. and T. longicornis. The paper also compares the abundance (in indiv. m-2) of the copepodite stages of these species in two regions of the Baltic Sea (the Gulf of Gdańsk and the Gotland Basin). Except for Pseudocalanus sp., the abundance of these copepodite stages (∑CII-CVI) in the Gulf of Gdańsk in 2006 was similar to that in the Gotland Basin in the mid-1990s; in spring/summer 2007, however, their abundances were significantly higher (ca 2-4 times) in the former region.

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Seasonal variations in the biochemical composition of some common seaweed species from the coast of Abu Qir Bay, Alexandria, Egypt
Oceanologia 2013, 55(2), 435-451

Hanan M. Khairy1,*, Shimaa M. El-Shafay2
1National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries,
Alexandria, Egypt;
e-mail: hanan_khairy@yahoo.com
*corresponding author
2Faculty of science, Botany Department,
Tanta University, Egypt;
e-mail: sh.shfa3y@yahoo.com

keywords: seaweed, protein, carbohydrate, lipid, fatty, amino acids

Received 23 November 2012, revised 26 March 2013, accepted 28 March 2013.


Variations in protein, carbohydrate, lipid, ash, moisture, fatty acid and amino acid contents of the seaweeds Ulva lactuca Linnaeus (Chlorophyta), Jania rubens (Linnaeus) J.V. Lamouroux and Pterocladia capillacea (S.G. Gmelin) Bornet (Rhodophyta) were studied seasonally from spring to autumn 2010. The seaweeds were collectedfrom a rocky site near Boughaz El-Maadya on the coast of Abu Qir Bay east of Alexandria, Egypt. Remarkable seasonal variations were recorded in the levels of the studied parameters in the three species. Pterocladia capillacea was characterized by the highest protein and carbohydrate content throughout the different seasons, whereas Ulva lactuca contained more lipids (4.09 ± 0.2%) than J. rubens and P. capillacea. The highest total fatty acids were recorded in J. rubens during the three seasons, while saturated fatty acids were predominant in P. capillacea during spring. This is due mainly to the presence ofpalmitic acid (C16:0), which made up 74.3% of the saturated fatty acids. The highest level of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) in these algae was measured in J. rubens; DHA (22:6ω3) was the main acid, making up 26.4% of the total fatty acids especially during summer. Proline was the major component of the amino acids in the three algal species, with maximum amounts in U. lactuca.

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Spatial distribution of biological and physical sediment parameters in the western Gulf of Gdańsk
Oceanologia 2013, 55(2), 453-470

Katarzyna Huzarska
Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences,
Powstańców Warszawy 55, 81-712 Sopot, Poland;
e-mail: keyla28@gmail.com

keywords: sediment, properties, spatial, differentiation, Gulf of Gdańsk

Received 4 March 2013, revised 25 March 2013, accepted 28 March 2013.

This project was funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education through a supervisor research grant, project No. N304 031 32/1614.


The ongoing processes of surface sediments and their biological activity are highly dynamic. Sediment samples for the current study were collected at 48 stations in the Gulf of Gdańsk in May 2006, and the following sediment parameters were analysed: grain size distribution, water volume, permeability, organic matter content, chlorophyll a and EPS carbohydrate concentrations. The spatial distributions of the different parameters varied distinctly, which suggested a strongly diversified bottom environment. The results obtained were used to create spatial distribution maps, and statistical analyses of the results showed that the Gulf's bottom can be divided into four areas impacted by different parameters: (1) the inner Puck Bay; (2) the outer Puck Bay; (3) the outer Gulf of Gdańsk; (4) the open sea. Distinct correlations between microbenthic activity, expressed as carbohydrate and chlorophyll concentrations, and sediment physical parameters were noted. The bottom of the Gulf of Gdańsk appeared to be strongly influenced by wave motion. This led to the conclusion that the most dynamic areas are the shallow coastal zones, which play important roles in water purification processes and in the proper functioning of the Gulf of Gdańsk ecosystem. This study of the spatial distribution of sediment parameters is the first of its kind, and the widest-ranging study of sediments ever to be conducted in this region.

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Optical water types of the Nordic Seas and adjacent areas
Oceanologia 2013, 55(2), 471-482

Eyvind Aas1,*, Niels Kristian Højerslev2, Jo Høkedal3, Kai Sørensen4
1Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo,
Gaustadalleen 21, N-0349 Oslo, Norway;
e-mail: eyvind.aas@geo.uio.no
*corresponding author
2Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen,
Juliane Maries Vej 30, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark
3Narvik University College,
Lodve Langesgt. 2, N-8505 Narvik, Norway
4Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA),
Gaustadalleen 21, N-349 Oslo, Norway

keywords: Arctic Sea, Baltic Sea, Barents Sea, Nordic Seas, optical classification

Received 11 February 2013, revised 26 March 2013, accepted 8 April 2013.


A new map of Jerlov's optical water types in the Nordic Seas and adjacent waters at 139 locations, as well as a table with statistical and geographical properties of the vertical attenuation coefficient of downward irradiance at 475 nm, are presented. The data analysis is based on 715 recordings at different stations, at latitudes between 54° and 82°N, and longitudes between 31°W and 49°E, obtained by different authors from May 1954 to August 2003. The results show that the Atlantic and Polar waters are typically of oceanic type II-III, although during algal blooms the optical conditions may change to coastal types 1, 3 and 5, which are also the most frequent types found in coastal areas.

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