The Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences (IO PAN) Ph.D. program in the field of Oceanography
Correspondence Address:
Instytut Oceanologii PAN, Powstańców Warszawy 55, 81-712 Sopot
Head of the PhD Studies:
dr hab.Tymon Zieliński
IO PAN Ph.D. Student Government
Zuzanna Borawska - president
Ewa Korejwo - vice president
In accordance with the regulations of 14 March 2003 about scientific degrees and the scientific title (Journal of Laws No. 65, item 595 with further changes) the doctoral degree is awarded by the Institute Scientific Council.
Our learning courses are built around the following criteria:
- Facilitation of the necessary research knowledge, to secure conduction of proper research in order to prepare the dissertation.
- Possibility to obtain necessary theoretical knowledge, from the research area of particular interest.
- As a result of the two above points, to obtain necessary skills in order to prepare the Ph.D. dissertation.
It is our philosophy that each student realizes his/her research plans under the supervision of an experienced researcher, in a world class research team. We strive to fulfil a wide range of student’s needs. We support students’ scientific development and help to build a wide network of scientific contacts, also on an international level. Our researchers have very positive attitude towards work with young scientists. This together with a state-of-the art instrumentation and laboratories facilitates very creative and friendly environment for conducting research.
Over 75% of our doctoral candidates, who start their “scientific adventure” in our Institute, complete their courses and obtain the doctoral title.
We offer a unique possibility of participation in marine research activities from board of the s/y Oceania, both in the Baltic Sea and the European Arctic, mostly around Svalbard archipelago.
The program provides high quality doctoral education, access to excellent technical facilities, administrative support and individual scientific guidance leading to an internationally recognized Ph.D. in Natural Sciences in the field of Oceanology. Our students work under the scientific supervision of IO PAN colleagues, and through their close involvement in various national and international research projects they significantly contribute to the Institute’s scientific output. The study course has been designed to facilitate the following:
Providing students with the necessary methodological knowledge which will allow them to carry out scientific research required for the Ph.D. thesis. Supplementing theoretical knowledge in the field of the chosen dissertation subject.
Obtaining advanced knowledge necessary for preparing a doctoral dissertation in accordance with the accepted guidelines.
It is our philosophy to provide our students with the chance to fully implement their research plans under the guidance of an experienced scientific supervisor as a member of a world-class research team. Apart from encouraging our students’ scientific development we help them build a wide network of contacts in the national and international scientific community. Our students will find themselves working in an exceptionally creative and friendly work environment, as it is a top priority for IO PAN staff to provide our young scientists with the necessary tools and facilities required for them to carry out their research plans.
We offer the unique possibility of participating in marine research activities conducted onboard the R/V Oceania. Every year, the research vessel spends 230-250 days at sea, performing, among others, research expeditions to the seas of the European Arctic and Spitsbergen (June-August) and over a dozen Baltic cruises.
stypendium socjalne | do dnia 10 listopada danego roku akademickiego |
stypendium Dyrektora | do dnia 10 listopada danego roku akademickiego |
zapomogi | cały rok |
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Decyzja Dyrektora Instytutu w sprawie uzyskania stypendium doktoranckiego na rok akademicki 2021/22
- Zasady rekrutacji
- Regulamin Studium (27 luty 2018)
- Program kształcenia
- List of supervisors and research topics
- Program seminariów Studium Doktoranckiego, I semestr 2020/2021
- Regulamin Samorządu Doktorantów IO PAN
- Regulamin przyznawania stypendiów doktoranckich na rok akademicki 2021/2022
- Zał. nr 1 (DOCX)
- Regulamin świadczeń z funduszu stypendialnego
- zał. 1 - Oświadczenie Doktoranta dotyczące pobierania świadczeń na innych studiach dokt. - PDF, DOC
- zał. 2 - Dokumenty wymagane wraz z wnioskiem o stypendium socjalne - PDF, DOC
- zał. 3 - Wniosek o przyznanie stypendium dla osób niepełnosprawnych - PDF, DOC
- zał. 4 - Wniosek o przyznanie stypendium Dyrektora - PDF, DOC
- zał. 5 - Wniosek o przyznanie zapomogi - PDF, DOC
- Program "Doktorat wdrożeniowy"
- Stypendia Prezesa PAN
- Regulamin dot. szczeg. sposobu postępowania w sprawie nadania stopni dr oraz dr hab.
- Uchwała Rady Naukowej IO PAN z 17 czerwca 2019 r. (obowiązuje od 01.10.2019 r.)
- Sugerowany wniosek do Komisji (tryb poza szkoła doktorską)- (docx))
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