December 2021
On the occasion of the upcoming Christmas and New Year 2022, we wish all our employees, partners and sympathizers happiness and peace and success both, in your personal life and in your professional work.
Director of the Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences
November, 2021
The Polish-U.S. Fulbright Commission invites Master’s and PhD students of life sciences and medical fields of study to submit applications for the BioLAB 2022-23 Program. The call for applications lasts until February 1, 2022.
The BioLAB program allows to complete a one-year research internship in a laboratory located in one of four institutions in the US:- University of Virginia, Charlottesville
- University of Chicago, Chicago
- University of Texas: Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas
- Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, Oklahoma City
Participation in the Program includes:- Scholarship in amount of $28,000 - $33,000
- Full medical insurance
- Travel allowance (stay at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation only)
- Assistance in obtaining an F-1 or J-1 visa for a stay in the US (the cost of issuing a visa is covered by the student)
- Pre-departure orientation conducted by the Fulbright Commission staff and alumni of the program
- Help during the program conducted by the host insitution’s representatives
- Meet the formal requirements for an F-1 or J-1 visa,
- Study life sciences and medical fields of study (biology, chemistry, pharmacy, medicine, etc.),
- Hold, at a minimum, a bachelor’s degree (licencjat/inżynier degree if the studies were completed in Poland) and at the time of interview (March) will be a student of a master degree or PhD degree at a Polish university or research institution and maintain an active student status during the program,
- Obtained a high GPA (4.0 or higher),
- Demonstrate knowledge of English at the proficiency level (minimum B2).
11th October 2021, Będlewo

- This year, the ceremony of Inauguaration of the Academic Year 2021/2022 in the International Environmental Doctoral School was held at Będlewo Palace Research and Conference Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Inaugural lecture titled “Sea ice dynamics in the climate system” was given by Dr Carolin Mehlmann, Max-Planck-Institut fuer Meteorologie, Hamburg.
5th October 2021
Polska Akademia Nauk ogłasza konkurs na dyrektora IO PAN
28-29th September 021, online conference, Instytut Oceanologii PAN, Sopot
Organizers: dr Grzegorz Soszka, dr Krzysztof Teisseyre and dr Andrzej Kruszewicz invate to "Polish contribution to the ocean science and marine environmental education. Conference reffering to the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2031)."
Conference information and materials page
16th September 2021, Katowice
IEDS - International Environmental Doctoral School - University of Silesia -"Pro-quality" scholarship
Our PhD student Hedvig Kriszta Csapo (supervisor prof. Jan Marcin Węsławski) is the winner of the competition for pro-quality scholarship at IEDS. Congratulations.
Management and staff of the Institute of Oceanology |
1-8th June 2021

Eurofleets+ held its second Floating University on the use bio-optical parameters as convenient tool to study marine biogeochemical processes on board the Instytut Oceanologii PAN’s RV Oceania in Gdańsk. The 8-day training programme attracted postgraduate students of 7 nationalities (Greeks, English, Mexican, Italian, Slovenian, and German) affiliated at educational and research institutions in 5 European countries (Italy, Greece, Denmark, Germany, Great Britain)
More information
8-9th April 2021

As part of the Euro-Argo RISE project, IO PAN & FMI will organise a Baltic and Arctic Argo online workshop.
The first day will be devoted to the general Argo floats knowledge. During the second day there will be two two-hour sessions covering the subject of Argo in the Baltic Sea and the Arctic.
We invite participants from the Baltic and Arctic communities, that are interested in using Argo data or engaging with Argo activities to join the workshop. More information about the workshop and details for registration can be found under the following link:
April 6, 2021

- The 2020 HiFi for All – Collaborations SMRT Grant Program was open to scientists worldwide and offered three winning projects awards of up to 10 SMRT Cells 8M and sequencing on the Sequel II or IIe
One of inter-continental collaborators team of biologists and geneticists, led by winner Michael Metzger (PNRI, USA) is Artur Burzynski (IO PAN, Poland). Together, this team has assembled the most widespread marine transmissible cancer lineage known and aims to use HiFi sequencing to detect and phase somatic variants to understand the selective pressures underlying this fatal and unexplained phenomenon.More information
March 2021

We invite young people between 14 and 17 years from Poland, Romania and Germany to take part in a virtual summer school "Ocean@Home: the oceans in a changing climate" from July 12 to 23, 2021!
The course will take place on the computer screen at home (via video-conferencing) with some special off-line tasks for the students related to particular topics. The working language will be English and Ocean@Home will be free of charge. The deadline for applications is: Friday, 30 April 2021.
More details on the course and application forms:
Our partners: Geomar Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel, Instytut Oceanologii PAN, Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Ong Mare Nostrum
20th December 2020

On December 20, 1985, the flag of Oceania was raised and transferred to the shipowner, the Institute of Oceanology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Sopot. Unfortunately, we are forced to celebrate the 35th anniversary of this event virtually. More info on page
Oceania XXXV
4th December 2020
- President of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) Prof. Jerzy Duszyński, awarded five researchers representing various fields of science for outstanding scientific achievements in 2020. The scientific award of the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences for 2020 was awarded to: Prof. Lidia Dzierzbicka-Głowacka, Institute of Oceanology of the Polish Academy of Sciences for the use of mathematical models and computer simulations as new methods of recognizing processes in the marine environment.
Informacja PAN, Information Service of Polish Science
1st December 2020

On December 1, 2020, the Baltic float WMO3902106 launched by IO PAN in 2018 within the Bornholm Basin was recovered by the Estonian vessel R/V Salme north of the island of Hiiumma. We thank Estonian friends for their help in this difficult operation (photos: Villu Kikas). This is the next, important stage of cooperation in the Baltic Sea. The float has been taking measurements for over two years, since September 11, 2018. During this time, it made 420 profiles, providing valuable CTD/O2 data. Also, examining the condition of the float (batteries, sensors) will certainly be a valuable contribution to the EA RISE program - more information on the project
18th November 2020, 11:30, University of Silesia in Katowice
- Inauguration of the Academic Year 2020/2021 at the International Environmental Doctoral School (IEDS) associated with the Centre for Polar Studies at the Uniwersity of Silesia in Katowice. Transsmision YouTube: „Uniwersytet Śląski” Inaugural lecture by prof. Jan Pawłowski, IO PAN: "Environmental DNA: looking for whales in a drop of water".

12th October 20220 Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center PAS, Warsaw
- Inauguratiion of the Academic Year 2020/2021 at the GeoPlanet Doctoral School
6th November
We are pleased to inform you that we have new Special Issue "Unusual Aerosol Conditions in the Arctic" already set up! This special issue belongs to the section "Aerosols" by
the Atmosphere Journal which has the impact factor of 2.397. The editors of this special issue are two our colleagues: Assoc. Prof. Tymon Zielinski, Dr. Paulina Pakszys and two partners: Assoc. Prof. Luca Ferrero, Dr. Christoph Ritter. Deadline for manuscript submissions: 10 June 2021. You are welcome to publish your works!
More information
2nd October 2020
Join the online discussion entitled “Vibrations, Frequencies & Ecotistical Art Sci” accompanying Victoria Vesna's exhibition "Noise Aquarium". The panel will be attended by the creators of the "Noise Aquarium" project, as well as invited artists and scientists involved in the study of sound, sea, marine animals and plankton. Among the honored will be our colleagues from the Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences: Zygmunt Klusek and Sławomir Kwaśniewski.
The discussion will take place on Friday, 2 October 2020, at 18.00. The live broadcast will be in English.
Access to the panel via the YouTube channel (where it will also available later):
You can read more about the discussion panel on the organizer's (host) Polish website:
WIBRACJE and the English website of the organizer:
You can also read about the project on the artist's website, Victoria Vesna::Noise Aquarium
You're welcome!
September 2020
- As part of the Euro-Argo RISE project, IO PAN & FMI will organise a Baltic and Arctic Argo workshop at IO PAN, Sopot, Poland, 23-25.9.2020. We invite participants from the Baltic and Arctic communities, that are interested in using Argo data or engaging with Argo activities to join the workshop. The first day of the workshop will focus on Baltic Sea specific issues, the second day will cover general Argo knowledge and the third day will focus on Arctic Sea specific issues.
More information about the workshop and details for registration and logistics can be found under the following link:
22nd August 2020, Sopot, IO PAN

- During the literature festiwal in Sopot 22nd August, three prominent writers and journalists, visited IO PAN. Stading from the left: Adam Wajrak, Ilona Wiśniewska and Tomasz Ulanowski.
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