List of supervisors and research topics

Assoc. Prof. Jacek Bełdowski (
Marine Geotoxicology Laboratory
Research topics:
  1. Impact of dumped munitions on mercury concentration in bottom sediments.
  2. Beachcast as a vector of pollutant transport to the coastal zone.

Assoc. Prof. Artur Burzyński (
Molecular Biology Laboratory
Research topics:
  1. Is the expression of specific mitochondrial ORFs involved in sex determination and mitochondrial inheritance in Mytilus?
  2. Mitogenomics of doubly uniparental inheritance of mitochondria in bivalves.
  3. Transcriptomics and mitochondrial transcripts mapping in model bivalve species based on EST sequences.

Assoc. Prof. Katarzyna Błachowiak-Samołyk (
Pracownia Funkcjonowania Biocenoz Pelagialu
Research topics:
  1. Ekologia zooplanktonu polarnego (wędrówki dobowe, preferencje troficzne, zooplankton jako pokarm ptaków arktycznych);
  2. Biologia i ekologia pelagicznych Ostracoda Oceanu Światowego (zoogeografia, taksonomia, wędrówki dobowe i sezonowe, i in.)

Assoc. Prof. Lidia Dzierzbicka-Głowacka (
Marine Ecohydrodynamics Laboratory
Research topics:
  1. Mathematical modeling of micro and mesoscale phenomena and hydro-biological processes in marine bodies.
  2. Determining the functional relationships that occur between the rates of physiological processes and environmental factors for marine species.
  3. Modeling of mixing processes in the upper sea layer and their influence on the sea slurries distribution.

Assoc. Prof. Monika Kędra (
Zakład Ekologii Morza
Research topics:
  1. Structure and functioning of benthic communities in the coastal Baltic Sea and their role in carbon and nutrient cycling.
    Key words: benthic communities structure and diversity, food webs, secondary production, respiration, stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen, sediment organic matter.
  2. Structure and functioning of benthic communities in the Arctic Ocean and their role in carbon and nutrient cycling.
    Key words: cryo-pelago-benthic coupling, benthic communities structure and diversity, secondary production, food webs, stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen, sediment organic matter.

Assoc. Prof. Hanna Kalamarz-Kubiak
Physiology of Marine Organisms Laboratory
Research topics:
  1. Neuroendocrine regulation of stress response in fish and other marine organisms using in vitro techniques.

Prof. Zygmunt Klusek (
Marine Acoustics Laboratory
Research topics:
  1. Passive acoustic methods in monitoring oceanic environment (preferably dynamical processes)
  2. Acoustic methods in investigations/observation of behaviour and space distribution of bottom fauna, fishes or plankton
  3. Theory of scattering of acoustic waves at medium (ocean) inhomogeneities

Prof. Alicja Kosakowska  (
Marine Biochemistry Laboratory
Research topics:
  1. Oddziaływanie wybranych czynników abiotycznych na przebieg procesów ekofizjologicznych w organizmach fitoplanktonowych
  2. Izolacja i identyfikacja biologicznie aktywnych substancji z komponentów środowiska morskiego

Prof. Grażyna Kowalewska  (
Marine Pollution Laboratory.
Research topics:
  1. Study of organic natural and anthropogenic compounds as markers of processes in the marine environment, e.g. pollution, eutrophication.
  2. New methods in analysis of organic compounds in marine environment.

Prof. Piotr Kukliński (
Marine Ecology Department
Research topics:
  1. Ecology of key Arctic organisms (e.g. sea urchins, algae, etc.).
  2. Ecology of hard bottom communities.
  3. Processes of colonization and succession on hard sea bottom.
  4. Influence of environmental parameters on invertebrate skeleton mineralogy and chemistry composition.
  5. Taxonomy and systematics of Arctic and Antarctic marine invertebrates.

Prof. Ewa Kulczykowska (
Physiology of Marine Organisms Laboratory
Research topics:
  1. Fish endocrinology: neuroendocrine regulation of fish behaviour and fish adaptation to environmental changes (salinity, temperature light); new fish welfare indicators.

Prof. Hanna Mazur-Marzec (
Marine Biochemistry Laboratory
Research topics:
  1. Marine microorganisms - source of natural products of potential biotechnological application.

Assoc. Prof. Ksenia Pazdro (
Department of Marine Chemistry and Biochemistry
Research topics:
  1. Biogeochemistry of persistent organic contaminants in marine environment

Assoc. Prof. Tomasz Petelski (
Air-Sea Interaction Laboratory
Research topics:
  1. Studies of mass, energy and momentum fluxes between the sea and the atmosphere.
  2. Studies of marine aerosols in the marine boundary layer.

Prof. Jacek Piskozub (
Air-Sea Interaction Laboratory
Research topics:
  1. Mass, energy, momentum and radiance fluxes across the sea surface
  2. Concentration and size size distribution of marine aerosol in the boundary layer over the ocean and coastal zone
  3. Climate influence of air-sea interaction phenomena (aerosol, radiation balance etc.)
  4. Optical Monte Carlo modeling of air-sea interaction phenomena

Assoc. Prof. Sławomir Sagan (
Remote Sensing Laboratory
Research topics:
  1. Zmienność czasowa i przestrzenna rzeczywistych właściwości optycznych wód w relacji do zagadnień teledetekcji morza
  2. Badanie związków procesów hydrologicznych i biologicznych ze stratyfikacją pionową właściwości optycznych wody
  3. Zastosowanie metod optycznych do badań składników wody morskiej in situ

Assoc. Prof. Paweł Schlichtholz (
Climate Dynamics Group
Research topics:
  1. Numerical analysis of oceanic influence on the variability of Arctic sea ice cover in the era of satellite observations.
  2. Statistical analysis of relationships between changes in the Arctic climate system and climatic conditions on the continents in the Northern Hemisphere in recent decades.

Prof. Małgorzata Stramska (,
Research topics:
  1. Modele numeryczne w badaniach procesów hydrodynamicznych i biologicznych w morzu.
  2. Analiza wpływu zmian klimatu na procesy hydrodynamiczne i biologiczne w Bałtyku, określenie trendów długo- i krótkoterminowych.
  3. Rozwój modelu Bałtyku asymilującego w czasie rzeczywistym dane satelitarne i dane in situ na potrzeby systemów oceny stanu środowiska.

Assoc. Prof. Waldemar Walczowski (
Observational Oceanography Laboratory
Research topics:
  1. Water Mass transformation in the Nordic Seas.
  2. The climatic importance of sea currents in the European Arctic.
  3. Use of Argo floats in Arctic and Baltic Sea oceanographic studies.

Prof. Roman Wenne (
Laboratory of Genetics of Marine Organisms
Research topics:
  1. Population genomics of mussels Mytilus

Prof. Jan Marcin Węsławski (
Marine Ecology Department
Research topics:
  1. Interannual variability of microplankton in Spitsbergen fjords.
  2. Sandy beach and ground water meiofauna - biodiversity and ecology.

Assoc. Prof. Sławomir B. Woźniak, (
Marine and Atmospheric Optics Laboratory
Research topics:
  1. Studies on light absorption and scattering by suspended particulate matter in the sea, with special emphasis on influences of variability of particulate matter composition and size distribution on these processes.
  2. Empirical studies and modelling of the relationships between different seawater constituents and inherent and apparent optical properties of water in the Baltic Sea.
  3. The development and practical application of optical methods allowing to estimate concentration and composition of different seawater constituents.

Prof. Marek Zajączkowski (
Marine Ecology Department, Laboratory of Paleoceanography
Research topics:
  1. Pleoceanographic record of the marine environment in European Arctic.
  2. Modern foraminiferal fauna as the benthos biodiversity inicator in the Spitsbergen fjords.

Assoc. Prof. Tymon Zieliński (
Air-Sea Interaction Laboratory
Research topics:
  1. Impact of physical phenomena in the air-sea boundary layer on climate (aerosols, radiative budget, etc.).
  2. Impact of aerosols on climate changes.
  3. Physical properties (optical) of aerosols in the European Arctic.