- Lidia Dzierzbicka-Głowacka, Dawid Dybowski, Maciej Janecki, Artur Nowicki, 2025, Digital Information System for the Polish Marine Areas – Modelling of Structures and Dynamics of Physical Processes in the Southern Baltic, Oceanologia 67(1),
- Dawid Dybowski, Maciej Janecki, Artur Nowicki, Jaromir Jakacki, Lidia Dzierzbicka-Głowacka, 2025, Development and validation of a high-resolution hydrodynamic model for Polish Marine Areas, Oceanologia 67(1),
- Daniel Rak, Anna Przyborska, Ana Bulczak, Lidia Dzierzbicka-Głowacka, 2024, Energy fluxes and vertical heat transfer in the Southern Baltic Sea, Frontiers in Marine Science 11 (2024),
- L. Dzierzbicka-Głowacka; M. Janecki; D. Dybowski; A. Nowicki; A. Zaborska; P. Pieckiel; M. Wójcik; T. Kuczyński; J. Wittbrodt. Knowledge Transfer Platform FindFISH – Numerical Forecasting System for the Marine Environment of the Gulf of Gdańsk for Fisheries. Oceanologia 66 (1).
- M. Janecki, L. Dzierzbicka-Głowacka, 2024. Fish Module - A Prognostic Tool for Modeling the Optimal Environmental Conditions for Fish. Applied Soft Computing, Available online 22 January 2024, 111302,, (bezpłatny dostęp do artykułu przez 50 dni)
- L. Dzierzbicka-Głowacka, M. Janecki, D. Dybowski, P. Pieckiel, A. Nowicki, M. Wójcik, J. Wittbrodt, 2023. KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER PLATFORM FINDFISH – DIGITAL/WEB SERVICE. ICERI2023
Proceedings, ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8 ISSN: 2340-1095, pages 3444-3450.
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2023.0892 - L. Dzierzbicka-Głowacka, D. Dybowski, M. Janecki, A. Nowicki, T. Zieliński, 2023. SOCIAL DEMAND FOR THE DIGITAL INFORMATION SYSTEM FOR POLISH MARINE AREAS. ICERI2023 Proceedings, ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8 ISSN: 2340-1095, pages 3426-3430. doi: 10.21125/iceri.2023.0887
- P. Piotr, D. Dziaduch, Dzierzbicka-Głowacka L. et al., Cooperation between the fishery sector and science: CTD probe measurements during fishing catches on the feeding grounds of herring (Culpea harengus) and sprat (Sprattus sprattus) in the south-eastern part of the Baltic Sea, Oceanologia 66 (1),
- M. Janecki, D. Dybowski and L. Dzierzbicka-Głowacka. 2023. The influence of biochemical parameters on primary production in the Gulf of Gdańsk region: A model study, Oceanologia 65(4),
- Dybowski Dawid, Dzierzbicka-Glowacka Lidia. 2022. Analysis of the Impact of Nutrients Deposited from the Land Side on the Waters of Puck Lagoon (Gdańsk Basin, Southern Baltic): A Model Study. Oceanologia, Available online 16 December 2022,
Maciej Janecki, Dawid Dybowski, Daniel Rak, and Lidia Dzierzbicka-Głowacka. 2022. A New Method for Thermocline and Halocline Depth Determination at Shallow Seas. Journal of Physical Oceanography, Published-online: 02 Jun 2022,
Termoklina, Haloklina
Dzierzbicka-Głowacka L., Dybowski D., Janecki M. et al. Modelling the impact of the agricultural holdings and land-use structure on the quality of inland and coastal waters with an innovative and interdisciplinary toolkit. Agricultural Water Management 263 (2022) 107438.
- Janecki M., Dybowski D., Jakacki J., Nowicki A., Dzierzbicka-Głowacka L. 2021. The Use of Satellite Data to Determine the Changes of Hydrodynamic Parameters in the Gulf of Gdańsk via EcoFish Model. Remote Sensing 13(18), 3572;
- Wielgat P, Kalinowska D, Szymkiewicz A, Zima P, Jaworska-Szulc B, Wojciechowska E, Nawrot N, Matej-Lukowicz K, Dzierzbicka-Glowacka LA. 2021. Towards a multi-basin SWAT model for the migration of nutrients and pesticides to Puck Bay (Southern Baltic Sea) PeerJ 9:e10938
- Rak Daniel, Walczowski Waldemar, Dzierzbicka-Głowacka Lidia, Shchuka Sergey. 2020. Dissolved oxygen variability in the southern Baltic Sea in 2013–2018. Oceanologia 62(4).
- Dybowski Dawid, Janecki Maciej, Nowicki Artur, Dzierzbicka-Glowacka Lidia, 2020. Assessing the Impact of Chemical Loads From Agriculture Holdings on the Puck Bay Environment With the High-Resolution Ecosystem Model of the Puck Bay, Southern Baltic Sea. Water 2020, 12, 2068.
- Adam Szymkiewicz, Dawid Potrykus, Beata Jaworska-Szulc, Anna Gumuła-Kawęcka, Małgorzata Pruszkowska-Caceres and Lidia Dzierzbicka-Głowacka, 2020. Evaluation of the Influence of Farming Practices and Land Use on Groundwater Resources in a Coastal Multi-Aquifer System in Puck Region (Northern Polan. Water 2020, 12, 1042;
- Dybowski D, Dzierzbicka-Głowacka LA, Pietrzak S, Juszkowska D, Puszkarczuk T. 2020. Estimation of nitrogen leaching load from agricultural fields in the Puck Commune with an interactive calculator. PeerJ 8:e8899,
- Grażyna Pazikowska-Sapota, Katarzyna Galer-Tatarowicz, Grażyna Dembska, Marta Wojtkiewicz, Ewelina Duljas, Stefan Pietrzak and Lidia Anita Dzierzbicka-Głowacka, 2020. The impact of pesticides used at the agricultural land of the Puck commune on the environment of the Puck Bay. PeerJ 8:e8789
- Matej-Lukowicz K, Wojciechowska E, Nawrot N, Dzierzbicka-Głowacka L.A., 2020. Seasonal contributions of nutrients from small urban and agricultural watersheds in northern Poland. PeerJ 8:e8381;
- Beata Szymczycha, Żaneta Kłostowska, Monika Lengier, Lidia Dzierzbicka-Głowacka, 2020. Significance of nutrient fluxes via submarine groundwater discharge in the Bay of Puck, southern Baltic Sea, Oceanologia, In Press, Available online 10 January 2020;
- Stefan Pietrzak, Grażyna Pazikowska-Sapota, Grażyna Dembska, Lidia Anita Dzierzbicka-Głowacka, Dominika Juszkowska, Zuzanna Majewska, Marek Urbaniak, Dominika Ostrowska, Agnieszka Cichowska and Katarzyna Galer-Tatarowicz, 2020. Risk of phosphorus losses in surface run off from agricultural land in the Baltic Commune of Puck in the light of assessment performed on the basis of DPS indicator. PeerJ 8:e8396,
- Wojciechowska E., Pietrzak S., Matej-Łukowicz K., Nawrot N., Zima P., Kalinowska D., Wielgat P., Obarska-Pempkowiak H., Gajewska M., Dembska G., Jasiński P., Pazikowska-Sapota G., Galer-Tatarowicz K., Dzierzbicka-Głowacka L., 2019. Nutrient loss from three small-size watersheds in the southern Baltic Sea in relation to agricultural practices and policy. Journal of Environmental Management 252, 109637,
- Kłostowska Ż., Szymczycha B., Lengier M., Zarzeczańska D., Dzierzbicka-Głowacka L., 2019. Hydrogeochemistry and magnitude of SGD in the Bay of Puck, southern Baltic Sea. Oceanologia 62(1),
- Dybowski D., Jakacki J., Janecki M., Nowicki A., Rak D. and Dzierzbicka-Głowacka L., 2019. High-Resolution Ecosystem Model of the Puck Bay (Southern Baltic Sea)—Hydrodynamic Component Evaluation. Water, 11, 2057,
- Dzierzbicka-Głowacka L., M. Musialik-Koszarowska, M. Kalarus, A. Lemieszek, P. Prątnicka, M. Janecki and M.I. Żmijewska. 2019. The Interannual Changes in the Secondary Production and Mortality Rate of Main Copepod Species in the Gulf of Gdańsk (The Southern Baltic Sea) Applied Sciesces 9(10), 2039;
- Zaborska Agata, Siedlewicz Grzegorz, Szymczycha Beata, Dzierzbicka-Głowacka Lidia, Pazdro Ksenia. 2019. Legacy and emerging pollutants in the coastal zone of the Gulf of Gdańsk (southern Baltic Sea) – loads and distribution revisited. Marine Pollution Bulletin 139, 238–255.
- Musialik-Koszarowska M., Dzierzbicka-Głowacka L., Weydmann A. 2019. Influence of environmental factors on the population dynamics of key zooplankton species in the Gulf of Gdansk (Southern Baltic Sea). Oceanologia 61 (1), 17-25.
- Dzierzbicka-Głowacka L., M. Janecki, D. Dybowski, B. Szymczycha, H. Obarska-Pempkowiak, E. Wojciechowska, P. Zima, S. Pietrzak, G. Pazikowska-Sapota, B. Jaworska- Szulc, A. Nowicki, Ż. Kłostowska, A. Szymkiewicz, K. Galer-Tatarowicz, M. Wichorowski, M. Białoskórski, T. Puszkarczuk. 2019. A new approach for investigating the impact of pesticides and nutrient flux from agricultural holdings and land-use structures on the coastal waters of the Baltic Sea. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies Vol. 28, No 4, 2019.
- Dzierzbicka-Głowacka L., Pietrzak S., Dybowski D., Białoskórski M., Marcinkowski T., Rossa L., Urbaniak M., Majewska Z., Juszkowska D., Nawalany P., Kamińska B., Selke B., Korthals P., Puszkarczuk T. 2019. Impact of agricultural farms on the environment of the Puck Commune: Integrated agriculture calculator – CalcGosPuck. PeerJ 7:e6478
- Nowicki A., Janecki M., Dzierzbicka-Głowacka L., 2019. Operational System for Automatic Coastal Upwelling Detection in the Baltic Sea based on the 3D CEMBS Model. Journal of Operational Oceanography (in press)
- Drozdowska V, Kowalczuk P, Konik M and Dzierzbicka-Głowacka L (2018)Study on Different Fractions of Organic Molecules in the Baltic SeaSurface Microlayer by Spectrophotoand Spectrofluorimetric Methods. Front. Mar. Sci. 5:456. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2018.00456
- Potrykus D., Gumuła-Kawęcka A., Jaworska-Szulc B., Pruszkowska-Caceres M., Szymkiewicz A., Dzierzbicka-Głowacka L. 2018. Assessing groundwater vulnerability to sea water intrusion in the coastline of the inner Puck Bay using GALDIT method. E3S Web of Conferences Vol. 54, 00023, DOI:
- Dzierzbicka-Głowacka L., A. Nowicki, M. Janecki, B. Szymczycha, P. Piotrowski, P. Pieckiel, G. Łukasiewicz. 2018 Structure of the FindFish Knowledge Transfer Platform. Fisheries & Aquatic Life. 26: 193 – 197 Archives of Polish Fisheries, DOI: 10.2478/aopf-2018-0021.
- Janecki M., Nowicki A., Kańska A., Golenko M., Dzierzbicka-Głowacka L. 2018. Numerical simulations of the sea ice conditions in the Baltic Sea for the winters 2010-2016. Polish Maritime Research, 3(99), vol.25, 35-43, DOI:
- L. Dzierzbicka-Głowacka, A. Lemieszek, M. Kalarus, E. Griniene. 2018. Seasonal changes in the abundance and biomass of copepods in the south-western Baltic Sea in 2010 and 2011. PeerJ 5562. DOI: 10.7717/peerj.5562
- Dzierzbicka-Głowacka L., Janecki M., Szymczycha B., Dybowski D., Nowicki A., Kłostowska Ż., Obarska-Pempkowiak H., Zima P., Jaworska-Szulc B., Jakacki J., Szymkiewicz A., Pietrzak S., Pazikowska-Sapota G., Wojciechowska E., Dembska G., Wichorowski M., Białoskórski M., Puszkarczuk T. 2018. Integrated information and prediction Web Service WaterPUCK General concept. MATEC Web of Conferences Vol. 210, 02011, DOI:
- Lidia Dzierzbicka-Głowacka, Anna Lemieszek, Artur Nowicki, Jacek Piskozub, Evelina Grinienė, Marcin Kalarus, Maja Musialik-Koszarowska, Stella Mudrak-Cegiołka, Maria Iwona. Żmijewska (2017) “Intra-annual distribution of Temora longicornis biomass in the Gulf of Gdańsk (the southern Baltic Sea) - numerical simulations” Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2017, 66(4), 256–273, (
- Jaromir Jakacki, Anna Przyborska, Artur Nowicki, Marcin Wichorowski, Michał Przyborski, Michał Białoskórski, Cyryl Sochacki, Rafał Tylman, (2017) "eBalticGrid – an interactive platform for the visualisation of results from a high-resolution operational Baltic Sea model.", Meteorol. Hydrol. Water Manage. 2017; 5(2):13–20 DOI:
- Nowicki A., Rak D., Janecki M., Dzierzbicka-Głowacka L.. Accuracy assessment of temperature and salinity computed by the 3D Coupled Ecosystem Model of the Baltic Sea (3D CEMBS) in the Southern Baltic. Journal of Operational Oceanography, 2016, 9 (1), 67-73, DOI:10.1080/1755876X.2016.1209368
- Nowicki A., Janecki M., Darecki M., Dzierzbicka-Głowacka L., 2016, The use of satellite data in the operational 3D Coupled Ecosystem Model of the Baltic Sea (3D CEMBS), Polish Maritime Research, 23 (1), 20-24, DOI: 10.1515/pomr-2016-0003
- Musialik-Koszarowska M., Dzierzbicka-Głowacka L., Kalarus M., Lemieszek A., Maruszak P., Figiela M.,. Żmijewska M. I. Population dynamics of the main copepod species in the Gulf of Gdańsk (the southern Baltic Sea): abundance, biomass and production rates. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies, 2016, 45(2), 159-171. DOI: 10.1515/ohs-2016-0015
- Figiela M., Musialik-Koszarowska M., Nowicki A., Lemieszek A., Dzierzbicka-Głowacka L.. Influence of environmental parameters on the development of mass-occurring Copepoda species in the southern Baltic Sea. Numerical calculations. Jokull Journal, 2016, 66(3), 270-283.
- Figiela M., Musialik-Koszarowska M., Lemieszek A., Nowicki A., Druet C.. Long-term changes in the total development time of abundant Copepoda species in the southern Baltic Sea. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies, 2016, 45(1), 1-10, DOI: 10.1515/ohs-2016-0001
- Nowicki A., Dzierzbicka-Głowacka L., Janecki M., Kałas M. Assimilation of satellite SST data in the 3D CEMBS model. 2015, Oceanologia 57(1), pp. 17-24, DOI: 10.1016/j.oceano.2014.07.001
- Dzierzbicka-Głowacka L., M. Kalarus, M. Musialik, A. Lemieszek, M.I. Żmijewska, Seasonal variability in the population dynamics of the main mesozooplankton species in the Gulf of Gdańsk (southern Baltic Sea): Production and mortality rates. Oceanologia 57 (1), pp. 78-85, doi:10.1016/j.oceano.2014.06.001
- Dzierzbicka-Głowacka L., Lemieszek A, Figiela M., Studies of Zooplankton in Gdańsk Basin (2010-2011). International Journal of Biological, Biomolecular, Agricultural, Food and Biotechnological Engineering Vol:9, No:5, 426-431, 2015 ISSN = {1307-6892
- Dzierzbicka-Głowacka L., Janecki M., Nowicki A., Jakacki J., Activation of the operational ecohydrodynamic model (3D CEMBS) – the ecosystem module, Oceanologia, 2013, 55(3), 543-572.
- Dzierzbicka-Głowacka L., Jakacki J., Janecki M., Nowicki A., Activation of the operational ecohydrodynamic model (3D CEMBS) - the hydrodynamic part, Oceanologia, 2013, 55(3), 519-541.
- Dzierzbicka-Głowacka L., Kalarus M., Żmijewska M.I., Inter-annual variability in population dynamics of main mesozooplankton species in the Gulf of Gdańsk (southern Baltic Sea): I. Seasonal and spatial distribution. Oceanologia, 2013, 55(2), 409-434. (DOI:10.5697/oc.55-2.409).
- Dzierzbicka-Głowacka L., Lemieszek A., Musialik M., Żmijewska M.I., Modelling of egg production of Temora longicornis from the southern Baltic Sea including salinity, Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies, 2013, 42 (3), 277-288.
- Dzierzbicka-Głowacka L., Kalarus M., Janecki M., Musialik M., Mudrak S., Żmijewska M., Population dynamics of Pseudocalanus minutus elongatus in the Gulf of Gdańsk (southern Baltic Sea) – experimental and numerical results. Journal of Natural History, 2013, 47 (5-12), 715-738. (DOI:10.1080/00222933.2012.722698).
- Schlichtholz, P. (2012): Observational evidence for oceanic forcing of atmospheric variability in the Nordic Seas: Journal of Climate, in press,
- Dzierzbicka-Głowacka L., Janecki M., Nowicki A., Jakacki J., (2012). A new marine ecosystem 3D CEMBS model (version 2) for the Baltic Sea. IEEE Conference Publications, Complex Systems (ICCS), 1-6.
- Dzierzbicka-Głowacka L., Piskozub J., Jakacki J., Janecki M., Nowicki A., (2012). Influence of climate parameters on long-term variations of the distribution of phytoplankton biomass and nutrient concentration in the Baltic Sea simulated by a 3D model. Pol. J. Ecol., 60(4). 651-666 (Special paper)
- Dzierzbicka-Głowacka L., Piskozub J., Jakacki J., Mudrak S., Żmijewska M., (2012). Spatiotemporal distribution of copepod populations in the Gulf of Gdansk (southern Baltic Sea). Journal of Oceanography, 68 (6), 887-904 (DOI: 10.1007/s10872-012-0142-8).
- Dzierzbicka-Głowacka L., Jakacki J., Janecki M., Nowicki A., (2012). The Baltic Sea coupled ice-ocean model. Chaotic Modeling and Simulation (CMSIM), 4, 679-686.
- Wozniak B., Bradtke K., Darecki M., Dera J., Dudzińska-Nowak J., Dzierzbicka-Głowacka L., (2011). SatBaltyk - A Baltic environmental satellite remote sensing system - an ongoing project in Poland. Part 1: Assumptions, scope and operating range. Oceanologia, 53 (4), 897-924.
- Wozniak B., Bradtke K., Darecki M., Dera J., Dudzińska-Nowak J., Dzierzbicka-Głowacka L., (2011). SatBaltyk - A Baltic environmental satellite remote sensing system - an ongoing project in Poland. Part 2: Practical applicability and preliminary results. Oceanologia, 53 (4), 925-958.
- Dzierzbicka-Głowacka L., Jakacki J., Janecki M., Nowicki A., (2011) Modeling of Baltic Sea ecosystem using POP model. Proceedings 4th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International Conference,105-113.
- Dzierzbicka-Głowacka, L., Jakacki, J., Janecki, M., Nowicki, A. (2011). Variability of the distribution of phytoplankton under influence of the changes of the main physical parameters in the Baltic Sea. Oceanologia, 53 (1-TI), 449-470, doi:10.5697/oc.53-1-TI.449
- Dzierzbicka-Głowacka, L., Lemieszek, A. & M.I. Żmijewska, (2011). Development and growth of Temora longicornis: numerical simulations using laboratory culture data. Oceanologia, 53 (1).
- Schlichtholz, P. (2011): Influence of oceanic heat variability on sea ice anomalies in the Nordic Seas. Geophysical Research Letters, 38, L05705, doi:10.1029/2010GL045894.
- Schlichtholz, P. and M.-N. Houssais (2011): Forcing of oceanic heat anomalies by air-sea interactions in the Nordic Seas area. Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, C01006, doi:10.1029/2009JC005944.
- Massel, S.R., (2011). On the geometry of ocean surface waves. Oceanologia, 53(2): 521-548, 2011
- Dzierzbicka-Głowacka, L., Kulinski, K., Maciejewska, A. Jakacki, J. & Pempkowiak, J., (2010b). Particulate organic carbon in the southern Baltic Sea: numerical simulations and experimental data. Oceanologia, 52 (4), 621-648
- Dzierzbicka-Głowacka, L., Żmijewska, I.M., Mudrak, S., Jakacki, J. & Lemieszek, A. (2010a). Population modelling of Acartia spp. in a water column ecosystem model for the South-Estern Baltic Sea. Biogeosciences, 7, 2247-2259.
- Dzierzbicka-Głowacka, L., Lemieszek, A. & M.I. Żmijewska, (2009a). Parameterisation of a population model for Acartia spp. in the southern Baltic Sea. Part 1. Development time. Oceanologia, 51(2), 165-184.
- Dzierzbicka-Głowacka, L., Lemieszek, A. & M.I. Żmijewska, (2009b). Parameterisation of a population model for Acartia spp. in the southern Baltic Sea. Part 2. Egg production. Oceanologia, 51(2): 185-201.
- Schlichtholz, P. (2007): Density-dependent variations of the along-isobath flow in the East Greenland Current from Fram Strait to Denmark Strait. Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, C12022 doi:10.1029/2006JC003987.
- Houssais, M.-N., Herbaut, C., Schlichtholz, P. and Rousset, C. (2007). Arctic salinity anomalies and their link to the North Atlantic during a positive phase of the Arctic Oscillation. Progress in Oceanography, 73: 160-189.
- Dzierzbicka-Głowacka L., Kuliński K., Pempkowiak J., (2007). Simulations of the particulate organic carbon (POC) in the southern Baltic Sea, a Pilot Study. BALTEX Newsletter, No. 10.
- Dzierzbicka-Głowacka, L., (2007). Effects of phytoplankton mortality caused by unpredictable conditions – numerical simulations. Pol. J. Ecol., 55 (1): 27-37.
- Jankowski A., Jędrasik J., (2007). Assimilation experiments in the Gdansk Basin (the southeastern Baltic): How useful are the sea level data from coastal tide gauges for modelling of hydrophysical fields ?. Ocean. Hydrob. Stud. XXXVI (No.4), 105 -128
- Dzierzbicka-Głowacka, L., Bielecka, L., Mudrak, S. (2006). Seasonal dynamics of Pseudocalanus minutus elongatus and Acartia spp. in the southern Baltic Sea (Gdańsk Deep) – numerical simulations. Biogeosciences, 3: 1157-1202.
- Dzierzbicka-Głowacka, L., (2006). Encounter rate in zooplankton. Polish Journal of Environment Studies, 15 (2), 243-257.
- Dzierzbicka-Głowacka, L., (2006). Effect of turbulent mixing on the marine plankton vertical distribution: model simulation. Pol. J. Ecol., 54 (2): 215-230.
- Dzierzbicka-Głowacka, L., (2006). A numerical investigation of nutrient concentration in the Gdańsk Gulf as revealed by a coupled one-dimensional model. Polish Journal of Environment Studies, 15 (1): 61-72.
- Dzierzbicka-Głowacka, L., (2006). Modelling the seasonal dynamics of marine plankton in the southern Baltic Sea, Part 2. Numerical simulations. Oceanologia, 48 (1), 41-71.
- Schlichtholz, P. and Goszczko, I., (2006). Interannual variability of the Atlantic water layer in the West Spitsbergen Current at 76.5oN in summer 1991-2003. Deep-Sea Research I, 53: 608-626.
- Schlichtholz, P., (2005). Climatological baroclinic forcing of the barotropic flow in the East Greenland Current in Fram Strait. Journal of Geophysical Research, 110, C08013, doi: 1029/2004JC002701.
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- Dzierzbicka-Głowacka, L., (2005). Modelling the seasonal dynamics of marine plankton in the southern Baltic Sea, Part 1. A coupled ecosystem model. Oceanologia, 47 (4): 591-619.
- Dzierzbicka-Głowacka, L., (2005). A numerical investigation of phytoplankton and Pseudocalanus elongatus dynamics in the spring bloom time in the Gdańsk Gulf Journal of Marine Systems, 53: 19-36.
- Dzierzbicka-Głowacka, L., (2004). Growth and development of copepodite stages of Pseudocalanus spp. Journal of Plankton Research, 26 (1): 49-60.
- Dzierzbicka-Głowacka, L., (2004). The dependence of body weight in copepodite stages of Pseudocalanus spp. on variations of ambient temperature and food concentration. Oceanologia, 46 (1), 45-63.
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- Dzierzbicka-Głowacka, L., Zieliński, A., (2004). Potential rate of reproduction for some geographically separate populations of Pseudocalanus spp. Oceanologia, 46 (1): 65-83.
- Dzierzbicka-Głowacka, L., (2004). Growth and development of copepodite stages of Pseudocalanus spp. Journal of Plankton Research, 26 (1): 49-60.
- Dzierzbicka-Głowacka, L., Zieliński, A., (2003). Growth rate of Pseudocalanus spp. as a function of food concentration, body weight and temperature. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies, 32 (4): 171-197.
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- W. H. Lipscomb, E. C. Hunke, W. Masłowski, J. Jakacki, (2007). Ridging, strength, and stability in high-resolution sea ice models, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 112, no. C3, 2007
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