Cele projektu

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  • The overall objective is to build an efficient integrated Arctic Observation System (iAOS) by extending, improving and unifying existing systems in the different regions of the Arctic.
  • Specific objective 1: Establish a Pan-Arctic forum to support formulation of agreements and collaboration between organization involved in developing Arctic observing systems across EU member states, non-EU countries and transnational organizations.
  • Specific objective 2: Develop a Roadmap for future implementation of a Sustainable Arctic Observing System.
  • Specific objective 3: Exploit existing observing systems and databases of atmosphere, ocean, cryosphere, geosphere and terrestrial data as the backbone of an integrated Arctic Observing System (iAOS) platform.
  • Specific objective 4: Contribute to fill gaps of the in situ observing system by use of robust technologies suitable for the Arctic.
  • Specific objective 5: Add value to observations through assimilation into models.
  • Specific objective 6: Enhance community-based observing programmes by building capacity of scientists and community members to participate in community based research.
  • Specific objective 7: Develop and implement the iAOS platform for integration and analysis of multidisciplinary with distributed data repositories.
  • Specific objective 8: Demonstrate benefit of the iAOS functionality to selected stakeholders.
  • Specific objective 9: Develop professional skills in using the iAOS platform and new data products within industry, education and science.