

    Article: Walczowski, W., 2023. Polska w Euro-Argo ERIC. IOPAN bada morza przy pomocy specjalistycznych pływaków Argo, The article is available here (in Polish).

    Oral presentation: Klein B., Siiriä S., Merchel M., Step by step guide to the DMQC procedure using reference data, scripts and data needed, Marginal Seas Argo DMQC workshop, Sopot, Poland, 18-19.04.2023.

    Oral presentation: Rak D., Merchel M., Walczowski W., IOPAN reference data for DMQC of Baltic Sea floats, Marginal Seas Argo DMQC workshop, Sopot, Poland, 18-19.04.2023.

    Oral presentation: Nilsen J. E., Siiriä S., Merchel M., Argo floats in Barents Sea - Missions and challenges, Marginal Seas Argo DMQC workshop, Sopot, Poland, 18-19.04.2023.

    Oral presentation: Klein B., Siiria S., Walczowski W., Argo in Marginal Seas: examples of data and hydrographic properties, Marginal Seas Argo DMQC workshop, Sopot, Poland, 18-19.04.2023.

    Oral presentation: Merchel M., Walczowski W., Polish oceanographic research, Earth Day 2023, Thames British School, Warsaw, Poland, 04.2023.

    Oral presentation: Walczowski W., Beszczynska-Möller A., Merchel M., Wieczorek P., Rak D., Argo-Polska, nowe rozdanie, Seminarium Zakładu Dynamiki Morza, Sopot, Poland.

    Oral presentation: Merchel M., Walczowski W., Argo Poland - activities and plans for 2023, 25th Euro-Argo Management Board Meeting, Online event, 16.02.2023.

    Report: Walczowski W., Merchel M., Annual report on the Argo Poland project for 2022, 01.2023.


    Lecture: Walczowski W., Nowoczesne metody wielkoskalowych badań zmian klimatu w morzu: pływaki Argo, Pomorskiego Centrum Edukacji Nauczycieli w Gdańsku, w cyklu ‘Zmiany Klimatu widziane z morza’. Wykład został zarejestrowany i jest dostępny pod adresem: Zmiana klimatu widziana z morza - YouTube (wykład 11).

    Lecture: Walczowski W., Autonomiczne pływaki Argo w oceanograficznych badaniach Arktyki, Instytut Geofizyki PAN, Warsaw, Poland 19.0.2022.

    Report: Rak D., Bulczak A., Merchel M., Raport z realizacji zadania badawczego w roku 2022, Podzadanie II.1.1. Zebrać i opracować dane hydrologiczne w rejonie Bałtyku Południowego uzyskane w czasie rejsów s/y „Oceania”, przy użyciu mooringów oraz pływaków ARGO, 2022.

    Report: Merchel M., Walczowski W., Wieczorek P., Raport z realizacji zadania badawczego w roku 2022, Podzadanie: I.4.3 Wodowanie pływaków profilujących ARGO, odbiór i opracowanie danych uzyskanych z pływaków. Dokonanie analizy zebranych danych hydrograficznych z pływaków ARGO ze szczególnych uwzględnieniem dynamiki oceanu w rejonie Mórz Nordyckich, 2022.

    Report: Klein B., Angel-Benavides I. M., Siiriä S. M., Merchel M., Notarstefano G., Gallo A., Allen J., Marasco M., Díaz-Barroso L., A report on the adaptation of existing DMQC methods to marginal seas, Euro-Argo Research Infrastructure Sustainability and Enhancement Project (EA RISE Project), 2022.

    Report: Notarstefano G., Kassis D., Palazov A., Slabakova V., Tuomi L., Siiriä S. M., Merchel M., Walczowski W., Allen J., Díaz-Barroso L., Gallo A., Pacciaroni M., Taillandier V., Recommendations to operate shallow coastal float in European Marginal Seas, Euro-Argo Research Infrastructure Sustainability and Enhancement Project (EA RISE Project), 2022.

    Oral presentation: Rak D., Merchel M., Walczowski W., Argo – oceanograficzna sieć pomiarowa, XXIII Konferencja Naukowa PTMiTH „Współczesne problemy oceanotechniki”, Jastrzębia Góra, Poland, 19-21.10.2022.

    Oral presentation: Nowak K., Bulczak A., Jakacki J., Rak D ., Wieloletnie zmiany warstwy wymieszanej na podstawie danych in situ i modelu CESM, XXIII Konferencja Naukowa PTMiTH „Współczesne problemy oceanotechniki”, Jastrzębia Góra, Poland, 19-21.10.2022.

    Poster presentation: Merchel M., Walczowski W., Wieczorek P., Argo floats in the South Baltic Sea - five years of use, 7th Argo Science Workshop, Brussels, Belgium, 11-13.10.2022.

    Oral presentation: Merchel M., Walczowski W., Rak D., Wieczorek P., Kontrola jakości danych Argo, Spotkanie Inauguracyjne Konsorcjum Argo-Polska, Sopot, Poland, 08.09.2022.

    Oral presentation: Walczowski W., Beszczynska-Möller A., Merchel M., Wieczorek P., Argo-Polska wkład w światowy monitoring oceanu, Spotkanie Inauguracyjne Konsorcjum Argo-Polska, Sopot, Poland, 08.09.2022.

    Poster presentation: Walczowski W., Merchel M., Wieczorek P., Ocean climate changes in the north-eastern Greenland Sea from synoptic and Lagrangian measurements, The Symposium on Decadal Variability of the North Atlantic and its Marine Ecosystems: 2010-2019, Bergen, Norway, 20-22.06.2022.

    Poster presentation: Merchel M., Walczowski W., Wieczorek P., Pływaki Argo w Bałtyku Południowym – pięć lat użytkowania, III Konferencja Naukowa Polskich Badaczy Morza, Gdynia, Poland, 07-08.06.2022.

    Oral presentation: Walczowski W., Merchel M., Rak D., Wieczorek P., Argo floats as virtual moorings in Southern Baltic, 4th Baltic Earth Conference, Jastarnia, Poland, 30.05-3.06.2022.

    Oral presentation: Bulczak A., D. Rak, W. Walczowski Turbulent mixing in the Slupsk Furrow: Microstructure observations in 2019‐2021, 4th Baltic Earth Conference, Jastarnia, Polska, 30.05-3.06.2022.

    Meeting: Walczowski W., Argo Steering Team Meeting (AST-23), Monaco, 23–25.03.2022.

    Meeting: Walczowski W., 22nd Euro-Argo Management Board meeting, Online event, 03-04.03.2022.

    Meeting: Walczowski W., Merchel M., EA RISE WP6 meeting, 28.01.2022.

    Report: Walczowski W., Merchel M., Annual report on the Argo Poland project for 2021, 01.2022.


    Oral presentation: Merchel M., Rak D., Walczowski W, IOPAN data as material for DMQC of Argo floats data from the southern Baltic Sea, BOOS, Online event, 24-25.11.2021.

    Meeting: Merchel Merchel M., Euro-Argo RISE, 3nd General Assembly, Online event, 18-19.11.2021.

    Oral presentation: Merchel Walczowski W., Merchel M., Wieczorek P., Role of the Argo floats in Arctic oceanographic observations, 38th International Polar Symposium „Environmental changes in polar regions: New problems – new solutions”, Toruń, 18-20.11.2021.

    Meeting: Merchel Merchel M., Walczowski W., Euro-Argo RISE series of meetings between Argo suppliers and European users 1-hour online meetings, November 2021 to January 2022.

    Meeting: Merchel Merchel M., Euro-Argo RISE Work package 2 Meeting, Online event, 9.11.2021.

    Meeting: Merchel Merchel M., Rak D., BGC-Argo & 3rd Deep-Argo Workshop, Online event, 27.09 - 01.10.2021.

    Meeting: Merchel Merchel M., Walczowski W., Baltic Sea DMQC meeting, Online event, 31.08.2021.

    Oral presentation: Merchel Merchel M., Walczowski W., IOPAN contibution to WP2, EA-RISE WP2 Intermediate meeting, Online event, 06.07.2021.

    Meeting: Merchel Merchel M., Euro Argo DMQC status meeting, Online event, 14.06.2021.

    Meeting: Merchel Walczowski W., Merchel M., Euro-Argo Political Event, Online event, 08.06.2021.

    Meeting: Merchel Walczowski W., Merchel M., Teleconference to discuss the organization of the Euro-Argo political event, Online event, 26.05.2021.

    Meeting: Merchel Merchel M., Walczowski W., EA-RISE Baltic DMQC meeting, Online event, 18.05.2021.

    Meeting: Merchel Merchel M., Organization meeting of the Euro-Argo political event, Online event, 27.04.2021.

    Poster presentation: Merchel Walczowski W., Beszczyńska-Möller A., Merchel M., Lagrangian measurements in the West Spitsbergen Current by Argo floats, EGU2021: Gather Online, 19-30.04.2021.

    Oral presentation: Merchel Walczowski W., Merchel M., Operating in Baltic Sea, Arctic and Baltic users workshop, Online, 08-09.04.2021.

    Meeting: Merchel Merchel M., BGC-Argo data management meeting, Online event, 01-02.04.2021.

    Report:Walczowski W., Merchel M., Annual report on the Argo Poland project for 2020, 01.2021.

    Report: Notarstefano G., Pacciaroni M., Kassis D., Palazov A., Slabakova V., Tuomi L., Simo-Matti S., Walczowski W., Merchel M., Allen J., Ruiz I., Diaz L., Taillandier V., Plaisant L., Cancouët R., Tailoring of the controlling and monitoring tools for operations in shallow coastal waters, Euro-Argo Research Infrastructure Sustainability and Enhancement Project (EA RISE Project), 08.01.2021.


    Article: Walczowski, W., Merchel, M., Rak, D., Wieczorek, P., & Goszczko, I., 2020. Argo floats in the southern Baltic Sea. Oceanologia, 62(4), 478-488,

    Training: Merchel M., BGC-ARGO DOXY Delayed Mode virtual Meeting (Coriolis), 2020.11.20.

    Oral presentation: Tuomi L., Walczowski W., Siiriä S., Merchel M., Roiha P., Advancing Argo float operations in the Baltic Sea within the EuroArgo-RISE project, BOOS Annual meeting, Sopot, Poland, 04-06.11.2020.

    Report:Siiriä S., Merchel M., Walczowski W., Tuomi L., Preliminary results of shallow coastal float operations in the Baltic Sea, Euro-Argo Research Infrastructure Sustainability and Enhancement Project (EA RISE Project), 30.09.2020.

    Oral presentation: Walczowski W., Merchel M., Rak D., Wieczorek P., ARGO floats – the modern tool for the Southern Baltic monitoring, 3rd Baltic Earth Conference Earth system changes and Baltic Sea coasts, Jastarnia, Hel Peninsula, Poland, 01-05.06.2020.

    Poster presentation: Merchel M., Walczowski W., Deep and intermediate water properties based on Argo floats data in the eastern Nordic Seas, EGU2020: Sharing Geoscience Online, Vienna, Austria, 04-08.05.2020.

    Meeting: Merchel M., 17th Euro-Argo Management Board meeting, Paris, France, 05-06.03.2020.

    Oral presentation: Tuomi L., Angel I., Donnely M., King B., Klein B., Leymarie E., Merchel M., Mork K. A., Walczowski W., WP5 - Extension to high latitude regions, Euro–Argo RISE General Assembly meeting, Paris, France, 02-05.03.2020.

    Poster presentation: Walczowski W., Rak D., Merchel M., BGC ARGO Floats Measurements in the Baltic Sea – Dynamics of the Dissolved Oxygen Concentration, Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020, San Diego, USA, 16-21.02.2020.

    Report:Walczowski W., Merchel M., Annual report on the Argo Poland project for 2019, 01.2020.

    Training: Merchel M., The ARVOR-PROVOR Float Technical Workshop, Ifremer Institute, Brest, France, 28-30.01.2020.


    Training: Merchel M., Argo Delayed-Mode QC Training, Hamburg, Germany, 02-06.12.2019.

    Oral presentation: Walczowski W., Merchel M., Wieczorek P., Rak D., Argo floats – drones in the service of oceanography, Sea and underwater drones – Unidentified Sea Objects, Gdynia, Poland, 14.11.2019.

    Oral presentation: Walczowski W., Goszczko I., Merchel M., Wieczorek P., Rak D., Argo floats - an important element of oceanographic observations in the Southern Baltic Sea, 7th Euro-Argo Science Meeting, Athens, Greece, 22-23.10.2019.

    Poster presentation: Merchel M., Walczowski W., Temporal variability of the Nordic Seas intermediate and deep water properties based on Argo floats data in 2008-2017 period, 7th Euro-Argo Science Meeting, Athens, Greece, 22-23.10.2019.

    Oral presentation: Walczowski W., Merchel M., Wieczorek P., Rak D., Pływaki Argo – nowoczesne narzędzie monitoring Bałtyku, II Konferencja Naukowa Polskich Badaczy Morza, Gdynia, Poland, 24-25.09.2019.

    Poster presentation: Walczowski W., Merchel M., Wieczorek P., Beszczynska-Möller A., Goszczko I., Rosnąca rola pływaków Argo w arktycznych obserwacjach oceanograficznych, II Konferencja Naukowa Polskich Badaczy Morza, Gdynia, Poland, 24-25.09.2019.

    Oral presentation: Walczowski W., Goszczko I., Merchel M., Wieczorek P., Rak D., An increasing role of Argo floats in Baltic Sea oceanographic observations, Baltic Sea Science Congress (BSSC), Stockholm, Sweden, 19-29.08.2019.

    Oral presentation: Rak D., Merchel M., Walczowski W., Goszczko I., Wieczorek P., Argo floats at the Southern Baltic Sea, Baltic Operational Oceanography System (BOOS) workshop, Rostock, Germany, 12.06.2019.

    Poster presentation: Walczowski W., Merchel M., Goszczko I., Wieczorek P., An increasing role of Argo floats in Arctic oceanographic observations, ASSW - Arctic Science Summit Week, Arkhangelsk, Russia,22-29.05.2019.

    Poster presentation: Walczowski W., Merchel M., Wieczorek P., Beszczynska-Moeller A., Goszczko I., An increasing role of Argo floats in Arctic oceanographic observations, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 07-12.04.2019.

    Meeting: Merchel M., 15th Euro-Argo Management Board meeting, BSH, Hamburg, Germany, 21-22.02.2019.

    Meeting: Walczowski W., Merchel M., Euro-Argo RISE Kick-Off meeting, Brest, France, 09-11.01.2019.


    Oral presentation: Walczowski W., Merchel M., Wieczorek P., Pływaki ARGO na Bałtyku – dwa lata użytkowania, XX Jubileuszowa Konferencja Naukowa Polskiego Towarzystwa Medycyny i Techniki Hiperbarycznej, Jastrzębia Góra, Poland, 22-25.11.2018.

    Training: Merchel M., 1st European Argo Delayed-Mode QC Workshop, Ifremer Institute, Brest, France, 17-18.04.2018.

    Meeting: Merchel M., 12th Euro-Argo Management Board meeting, National Oceanography Centre Liverpool, UK, 27-28.02.2018.

    Poster presentation: Walczowski W., Wieczorek P., Goszczko I., Merchel M., Rak D., Beszczynska-Möller A., Cisek M., 2017. Monitoring the salt water inflows in the southern Baltic Sea, The 8th EuroGOOS International Conference, 03-05.10.2017, Bergen, Norway.

    Poster presentation: Walczowski W., Goszczko I., Wieczorek P., Merchel M., Rak D., First measurements with Argo floats in the Southern Baltic Sea, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2017.
