Organizers call for submission of short abstracts of oral or poster presentations on the conference topics and related issues. Abstracts not longer than 500 words (including the title, authorship and affiliation heading) has to be submitted in a MS Word files by 5 October 2011 (e- mail address: Abstract will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee by 20 October 2011. Invited keynote presentations are planned as well.

The meeting framework programme:

  • 28 November - arrival, registration, icebreaker, side business meetings;
  • 29 November – scientific sessions, conference dinner;
  • 30 November - scientific sessions, round table disenssion.

Registration will be open on www: No registration fee is required.
Venue: Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Powstańców Warszawy 55, 81-712 Sopot, Poland.
Accommodation: There is variety of hotels in walking distance from the IOPAS. Information on Sopot and hotels can be found at Venue sectiotn. Booking and payment has to be done by participants directly in hotels.
Limited support to young scientists (grants for accommodation in Sopot) will be available only for authors of accepted abstract.