The aim of the WACuM project is to measure sea currents in the Western Arctic during cruises of Canadian icebreakers to the Arctic Ocean. The Canadian IPY project calls C3O - Canada's Three Oceans. C3O will use two Canadian Coast Guard icebreakers, whose current mission tracks encircle Canada, to obtain a snapshot of large-scale ocean and ecosystem properties, and thus establish a scientific basis for sustained monitoring of Canada's Sub-Arctic and Arctic seas in the wake of global warming. The WACuM project is a continuation of the collaboration with Canadian oceanographers during the 2004 and 2005 cruises of CCGS Louis S St-Laurent. During the cruises currents were measured by means of LADCP - Lowered Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler during standard CTD (Conductivity, Temperature, Depth) casts. Results are compared with calculated baroclinic currents, data from moorings and high resolution ocean-atmosphere-sea ice coupled model. The Arctic Ocean currents pattern, sea ice cower and especially its changes are essential for our global climate change understanding.