Elegancja, wyrafinowanie, inteligencja, holistyczność - czyli jak się Emilia Trudnowska na doktora broniła, 15.02.2016 NEW! |
Co by Państwo bez moich badań zrobili, no co ?! - czyli jak się Monika Orchowska na doktora broniła, 23.03.2015. |
PONTONS 16.05.2016. |
Our long term Student Piotr Bałazy defended his Phd thesies - 17 Feb 2014. |
Emilka Dziunia Jankowska's Feet Food Project or how we were trying to dive in winter, Jan 2014. |
"Oceania" cruise in search of salty water outlet - 16 May 2012. |
The End of NAGISA November 2011. |
Our long term Martusia Ronowicz defended her Phd thesies on lovely autumn day - 16 Nov 2010. |
Bowling for Columbine - April 2010. |
"Oceania" cruise in search of Mytilus edulis - 14 May 2009. |
Our long term friend and scientist Marysia Włodarska-Kowalczuk defended her habilitation colloquium and has became almost professor on 26 Feb 2009. |
Our long term Monika Kędra defended her Phd thesies in 2008 and insisted of having her pictures on this pages, so here you are... |
Our long term Phd student Wojtek Walkusz defended his Phd thesies and has become full PhD on 21 Nov 2006. |