Papers before 2003
- Massel, S.R., (2002). Circulation of groundwater due to wave set-up on permeable beach. Proc. Intern. Symposium LITTORAL 2002, Porto, 2: 161-168.
- Schlichtholz, P., (2002). On a modified arrested topographic wave in Fram Strait. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107 (C11), 3189, doi: 10.1029/2001JC000799.
- Schlichtholz, P. and Houssais, M.-N., (2002). An overview of the q-S correlations in Fram Strait based n the MIZEX 84 data. Oceanologia, 44 (2): 243-272.
- Jankowski A., (2002). Variability of coastal water hydrodynamics in the southern Baltic - hindcast modelling of an upwelling event along the Polish coast. Oceanologia, 44 (4): 395-418.
- Jankowski A., (2002), Application of a sigma-coordinate baroclinic model to the Baltic Sea, Oceanologia, 44 (1): 59-80.
- Dzierzbicka-Głowacka L., (2002). Numerical studies of the influence of food ingestion on phytoplankton and zooplankton biomasses, Oceanologia, 44 (1): 81-110.
- Schlichtholz, P., (2002). On a modified arrested topographic wave in Fram Strait. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107 (C11), 3189, doi: 10.1029/2001JC000799.
- Schlichtholz, P. and Houssais, M.-N., (2002). An overview of the q-S correlations in Fram Strait based n the MIZEX 84 data. Oceanologia, 44 (2): 243-272.
- Dzierzbicka-Głowacka L., (2001). Numerical simulations of marine zooplankton dynamics and its interaction with other system components. Pol. J. Ecol., 49, 1, 3-18.
- Massel, S.R., (2001). Investigations of seas and oceans. Proc. 1st Inter. Congress of Seas and Oceans, Maritime Univ. of Szczecin, 2: 85-89.
- Massel, S.R., (2001). Znaczenie czynnika ekologicznego w inżynierii morskiej. Inżynieria Morska i Geotechnika, 6: 343-347.
- Massel, S.R., (2001). Wave-induced set-up and flow over shoals and coral reefs. Part 1. A simplified bottom geometry case, Oceanologia, 43 (4): 373-388.
- Piórewicz, J., and Massel, S.R., (2001). Prediction of ocean waves in shallow water. Keppel Bay, Quensland, recorded data analysis, Proc. of 15th Australasian Coastal Ocean Eng. Conf., Gold Coast, 528-533.
- Massel, S.R., (2001). On the relationship between wave breaking and marine aerosol concentration in deep sea areas. Archives of Hydro-engineering an Environmental Mechanics, 48 (2): 31-45.
- Massel, S.R., Tęgowski, J., Chomka, M., Wichorowski, M., Dąbrowski, J., Stansberg, C.T. and Moe, V., (2001). Experimental study of the formation of steep waves and breakers. Oceanologia, 43 (3): 353-363.
- Massel, S.R., (2001). Circulation of groundwater due to wave set-up on a permeable beach. Oceanologia, 43 (3): 279-290.
- Massel, S.R., and Pelinovsky, E.N., (2001). Run-up of dispersive and breaking waves on beaches. Oceanologia, 43 (1): 61-97.
- Massel, S.R., (2001). Wavelet analysis for processing of ocean surface wave records. Ocean Engineering, 28: 957-987.
- Herman, A. and Jankowski, A., (2001). Wind- and density-driven water circulation in the Southern Baltic Sea - a numerical analysis. TASK Quarterly, 5 (1): 29-58.
- Jankowski A., (2000). Wind - induced variability of hydrological parameters in the coastal zone of the Southern Baltic Sea - numerical study. Oceanological Studies, 29 (3): 5-34.
- Massel, S.R. and Gourlay, M.R., (2000). On the modelling of wave breaking and set-up on coral reefs. Coastal Engineering, 39 (1): 1-27.
- Massel, S.R. and Sobey, R.J., (2000). Distribution of the highest wave in a record. Coastal Engineering Journal, 42: 153-173.
- Schlichtholz, P. and Houssais, M.-N., (1999). An inverse modeling study in Fram Strait. Part II: Water mass distribution and transports. Deep-Sea Research II, 46: 1137-1168.
- Massel, S.R., (1999). Fluid Mechanics for Marine Ecologists. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 566pp.
- Massel, S.R., Furukawa, K. and Brinkman, R.M., (1999). Surface waves propagation in mangrove forests. Fluid Dynamics Research, 24: 219-249.
- Massel, S.R., and R. Brinkman, R., (1999). Measurement and modelling of wave propagation and breaking at steep coral reefs. Recent Advances in Marine Science and Technology '98, 27-36, Honolulu.
- Schlichtholz, P. and Houssais, M.-N., (1999). An investigation of the dynamics of the East Greenland Current in Fram Strait based on a simple analytical model. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 29: 2240-2265.
- Schlichtholz, P. and Houssais, M.-N., (1999). An inverse modeling study in Fram Strait. Part I: Dynamics and circulation. Deep-Sea Research II, 46: 1083-1135.
- Wolanski, E., Furukawa, K. and Massel, S.R., (1998). The role of oceanographic modelling in predicting the impact on coral reefs from global change. Jour. Global Envir. Eng., 4: 77-89.
- Massel, S.R., and Brinkman, R., (1998). On the determination of directional wave spectra for practical applications. Apllied Ocean Research, 20: 357-374.
- Dzierzbicka-Głowacka, L., Zieliński, A., (1998). An algorithm for calculating the concentration of phytoplankton in a stratified sea with respect to the daily migration of zooplankton. Part 1. P-V-Z-D model. Oceanologia, 40 (4): 355-370.
- Massel, S.R., (1998). The limiting wave height in wind-induced waves train. Ocean Engineering, 25: 735-752.
- Dzierzbicka-Głowacka, L., Zieliński, A., (1998). An algorithm for calculating the concentration of phytoplankton in a stratified sea with respect to the daily migration of zooplankton. Part 2. Numerical simulation. Oceanologia, 40 (4): 371-398.
- Druet, Cz., Zieliński, A., (1994). Modelling the fine-structure of the phytoplankton concentration in a stable stratified sea, Oceanl. Acta, 17 (1): 79-88.
- Druet, Cz., Siwecki, A., (1993). Vertical fine structure and small-scale mixing in the upper ocean layer of the Norwegian-Barents confluence zone, Stud. i Mater. Oceanol., 65 (2): 150-169.