research papers:
Woźniak, S.B., J. Meler, and J. Stoń-Egiert. 2022. Inherent optical properties of suspended particulate matter in the southern Baltic Sea in relation to the concentration, composition and characteristics of the particle size distribution; new forms of multicomponent parameterizations of optical properties. Journal of Marine Systems, 229, 103720,
Meler, J., S.B. Woźniak, and J. Stoń-Egiert. 2020. Comparison of methods for indirectly estimating the phytoplankton population size structure and their preliminary modifications adapted to the specific conditions of the Baltic Sea. Journal of Marine Systems, 212, 103446,
Lisok, J., A.
Rozwadowska, J.G. Pedersen, K.M. Markowicz, C. Ritter,
J.W. Kaminski, J. Struzewska, M. Mazzola, R. Udisti, S.
Becagli, and I. Gorecka, 2018. Radiative impact of an extreme
Arctic biomass-burning event. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics,
18, 8829-8848,
Woźniak, S.B., S.
Sagan, M. Zabłocka, J. Stoń-Egiert, and K. Borzycka, 2018.
Light scattering and backscattering by particles suspended in
the Baltic Sea in relation to the mass concentration of
particles and the proportions of their organic and inorganic
fractions, Journal
of Marine Systems, 182,
Rozwadowska, A. and
I. Górecka, 2017. Impact of reflecting land surface on
radiation environment over Hornsund, Spitsbergen – a model
study for cloudless skies. Polish Polar Research,
38(2), 149–174, doi:10.1515/popore-2017-0008.
Meler, J., M.
Ostrowska, J. Stoń-Egiert and M. Zabłocka, 2017. Seasonal and
spatial variability of light absorption by suspended particles
in the southern Baltic: A mathematical description. Journal
of Marine Systems, 170, 68–87,
Markowicz K.M., M.T.
Chilinski, J. Lisok, O. Zawadzka, I.S. Stachlewska, L.
Janicka, A. Rozwadowska, P. Makuch, P. Pakszys, T.
Zielinski, T. Petelski, M. Posyniak, A. Pietruczuk, A. Szkop
and D.L. Westphal, 2016. Study of aerosol optical properties
during long-range transport of biomass burning from Canada to
Central Europe in July 2013, Journal of Aerosol Science,
101, 156–173, doi:10.1016/j.jaerosci.2016.08.006.
Ritter C., R. Neuber,
A. Schulz, K.M. Markowicz, I.S. Stachlewska, J. Lisok, P.
Makuch, P. Pakszys, P. Markuszewski, A. Rozwadowska,
T. Petelski, T. Zielinski, S. Becagli, R. Traversi, R. Udisti
and M. Gausa, 2016. 2014 iAREA campaign on aerosol in
Spitsbergen – Part 2: Optical properties from Raman-lidar and
in-situ observations at Ny-Ålesund, Atmospheric
Environment, 141, 1–19,
Zdun, A., A. Rozwadowska and S.
Kratzer, 2016. The impact of air mass advection on aerosol
optical properties over Gotland (Baltic Sea), Atmospheric
Research, 182, 142-155,
Meler, J., M.
Ostrowska and J. Stoń-Egiert, 2016. Seasonal and spatial
variability of phytoplankton and non-algal absorption in the
surface layer of the Baltic, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf
Science, 180, 123–135, doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2016.06.012.
Woźniak, S.B., M. Darecki, M. Zabłocka, D. Burska and J. Dera, 2016. New simple statistical formulas for estimating surface concentrations of suspended particulate matter (SPM) and particulate organic carbon (POC) from remote-sensing reflectance in the southern Baltic Sea, Oceanologia, 58(3), 161-175, doi:10.1016/j.oceano.2016.03.002.
O., P. Makuch, K.M. Markowicz, T. Zieliński, T. Petelski, V.
Ulevicius, A. Strzałkowska, A. Rozwadowska and D.
Gutowska, 2014. Studies of Aerosol Optical Depth with the Use of
Microtops II Sun Photometers and MODIS Detectors in Coastal
Areas of the Baltic Sea, Acta Geophysica, 62(2), pp.
400-422, doi: 10.2478/s11600-013-0182-5.
T., P. Markuszewski, P. Makuch, A. Jankowski and A.
Rozwadowska, 2014. Studies of vertical coarse aerosol
fluxes in the boundary layer over the Baltic Sea, Oceanologia,
56(4), 697-710, doi:10.5697/oc.56-4.697.
Röttgers, R., C. Dupouy, B.B. Taylor,
A. Bracher and S.B. Woźniak, 2014. Mass-specific light
absorption coefficients of natural aquatic particles in the
near-infrared spectral region, Limnology and Oceanography,
59(5), 1449-1460, doi:10.4319/lo.2014.59.5.1449.
Rozwadowska, A. and
I. Górecka, 2012. The impact of a non-uniform land surface on
the radiation environment over an Arctic fjord - a study with
a 3D radiative transfer model for stratus clouds over the
Hornsund fjord, Spitsbergen, Oceanologia, 54(4),
509-543, doi:10.5697/oc.54-4.509.
D., J. Meler, T. Zapadka, B. Woźniak and J.
Dera, 2012. Inherent optical properties and remote
sensing reflectance of Pomeranian lakes (Poland), Oceanologia,
54(4), 611-630, doi:10.5697/oc.54-4.611.
Ficek, D., J. Meler, T. Zapadka
and J. Stoń-Egiert, 2012. Modelling the Light Absorption
Coefficients of Phytoplankton in Pomeranian Lakes (Northern
Poland), Fundamental and Applied Hydrophysics, 5(4),
van Eijk, A.M.J., J.T. Kusmierczyk-Michulec,
M.J. Francius, G. Tedeschi, J. Piazzola, D.L. Merritt and J.D.
Fontana, 2011. Sea-spray aerosol particles generated in the
surf zone, Journal of
Geophysical Research, 116, D19210,
J. Meler, B. Lednicka, A. Zdun and J. Stoń-Egiert,
2011. Inherent optical properties of
suspended particulate matter in the southern Baltic Sea, Oceanologia, 53(3),
691–729, doi:10.5697/oc.53-3.691.
A., A. Rozwadowska
and S. Kratzer, 2011. Seasonal variability in the optical
properties of Baltic aerosols, Oceanologia, 53(1), 7-34.
Woźniak, S.B., D.
Stramski, M. Stramska, R.A. Reynolds, V.M. Wright, E.Y.
Miksic, M. Cichocka and A.M. Cieplak, 2010. Optical
variability of seawater in relation to particle concentration,
composition, and size distribution in the nearshore marine
environment at Imperial Beach, California, Journal of Geophysical
Research-Oceans, 115, C08027,
Reynolds, R.A., D. Stramski, V.M.
Wright and S.B. Woźniak,
2010. Measurements and characterization of particle size
distributions in coastal waters, Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 115,
C08024, doi:10.1029/2009JC005930.
Rozwadowska, A., T.
Zieliński, T. Petelski and P. Sobolewski, 2010, Cluster
analysis of the impact of air back-trajectories on aerosol
optical properties at Hornsund, Spitsbergen, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10,
Rozwadowska, A.,
T. Petelski and T. Zieliński , 2008. Pomiary aerozolowe w
Hornsundzie w trakcie XXIX Wyprawy Polarnej PAN, Problemy
Klimatologii Polarnej, 18, 161-170.
Darecki, M., D. Ficek, A. Krężel,
M. Ostrowska, R. Majchrowski, S.B. Woźniak, K.
Bradtke, J. Dera and B. Woźniak, 2008. Algorithms
for the remote sensing of the Baltic ecosystem (DESAMBEM).
Part 2: Empirical validation, Oceanologia, 50(4),
Majchrowski, R., J. Stoń-Egiert,
M. Ostrowska, B. Woźniak, D. Ficek, B. Lednicka and J.
Dera, 2007. Remote
sensing of vertical phytoplankton pigment distributions in the
Baltic: new mathematical expressions. Part 2: Accessory
pigment distribution, Oceanologia, 49(4), 491-511.
B., R. Majchrowski, M. Ostrowska, D. Ficek, J. Kunicka
and J. Dera, 2007. Remote sensing of vertical phytoplankton
pigment distributions in the Baltic: new mathematical
expressions. Part 3: Nonphotosynthetic pigment absorption
factor, Oceanologia, 49(4), 513-526.
Rozwadowska, A.,
2007. Influence of aerosol vertical profile variability on
retrievals of aerosol optical thickness from NOAA AVHRR
measurements in the Baltic region, Oceanologia, 49
(2), 165-184.
Stramski, D., M. Babin and S.B.
Woźniak, 2007. Variations in the optical
properties of terrigenous mineral-rich particulate matter
suspended in seawater, Limnology and Oceanography,
52(6), 2418-2433.
W., T. Król, O.V. Martynov, E.B. Shybanov and R. Hapter,
2007. Measurements of Scattering Function of sea water in
Southern Baltic, European Physical Journal - Special
Topics, 144, 147 – 154.
Woźniak, B., S.B. Woźniak,
K. Tyszka, M. Ostrowska, D. Ficek, R. Majchrowski and J. Dera,
2006. Modelling
the light absorption properties of particulate matter forming
organic particles suspended in seawater. Part 3. Practical
applications, Oceanologia, 48(4), 479-507.
Woźniak, B., S.B. Woźniak,
K. Tyszka, M. Ostrowska, R. Majchrowski, D. Ficek and J. Dera,
2005. Modelling the light
absorption properties of particulate matter forming organic
particles suspended in seawater. Part 2. Modelling results, Oceanologia, 47(4),
B., A. Rozwadowska, S. Kaczmarek, S.B. Woźniak
and M. Ostrowska, 2003. Seasonal variability of the solar radiation
flux and its utilization in the Southern Baltic, ICES
Cooperative Research Reports, 257, 280-286.
J. Piskozub and T. Król, 2003. Modeling of the
reflectance of sea areas polluted with oil emulsion, Fresenius
12( 9), 1109-1113.
Otremba, Z. and T. Król, 2002.
Light attenuation parameters of polydisperse oil-in-water
emulsion. Optica Applicata, XXXI( 3), 600-609.
Artemyev, V.A., V.I. Burenkov, S.B. Woźniak,
A.V. Grigoryev, M. Darecki, A. Demidov, O.V. Kopelevich, O.N.
Frantsuzov and A.N. Khrapko, 2000. Sub-satellite measurements of
ocean color: field studies in the Black and Aegean Seas, Oceanology,
40(2), 177-182.
Witkowski, K., T. Król, A.
Zieliński and E. Kuteń, 1998. A
light-scattering matrix for unicellular marine phytoplankton,
Limnol. and Oceanography, 43( 5), 859-869.
T., 1998. Rozpraszanie
przez fitoplankton, Rozprawy i Monografie IO-PAN 9/1998,
148 pp.
Kuśmierczyk-Michulec, J. and R. Marks, 1997.
Modelling of the aerosol size distribution over the Baltic Sea,
Oceanologica Acta, 20(6), 881-884.