Wykaz nabytków w 2015 roku - wybrane pozycje

  1. Biogeochemistry of Marine / D. A. Hansell (ed.), ELSEVIER, 2015, Sygn. 7662, 7663
  2. Mathematical and Physical / Z. Zhang, J. C. Moore, ELSEVIER, 2015, Sygn. 7664
  3. Environmental Indicators/ R. H. Armon, SPRINGER, 2015, Sygn. 7665
  4. Geoscience Atlas of Svalbard / W. K. Dallmann, NPI 2015, Sygn. 7666
  5. Drift of Sea Ice / J. Weiss, SPRINGER, 2013, Sygn. 7670
  6. Impact of Climate Changes on Marine / Zielinski, T. SPRINGER, 2015, Sygn. 7671
  7. Earthquake-Induced Structural / Jankowski, R. SPRINGER, 2015, Sygn. 7673
  8. Aerospace Robotics II / Sąsiadek, J., SPRINGER, 2015, Sygn. 7674
  9. Second Assessment BACC/ Omstedt, A., SPRINGER, 2015, Sygn. 7676,7677
  10. Fluid Dynamics / Hoskins, B. J., WILEY, 2014, Sygn. 7679
  11. Ocean Dynamics / Olbers D., SPRINGER, 2012, Sygn. 7681
  12. The Great Ocean Conveyor / Broecker, W., PRINCETON UP, 2010, Sygn. 7684
  13. Plankton / Ch. Sardet, U Chicago P, 2013, Sygn. 7688
  14. Applied Thematic Analysis / G. Guest, SAGE, 2012, Sygn. 7689
  15. Environmental Policymaking / S. K. Orr, CRC Press, 2014, Sygn. 7690
  16. Qualitative Data Analysis/ J. Harding, SAGE, 2013, Sygn. 7691
  17. Qualitative Inquiry&Research Design / J. W. Creswell., SAGE, 2013, Sygn. 7692
  18. Social Research Methods / A. Bryman, OXFORD UP, 2012, Sygn. 7693
  19. Handbook of Zoology / A. Schmidt, DE GRUYTER, 2013, Sygn. 7696
  20. Art Forms from the Abyss / E. Haeckel, PRESTEL, 2015, Sygn. 7701
  21. Lifestyles and Feding Biology / M. Thiel (ed.), OXFORD UP, 2015, Sygn. 7702
  22. Fluid Mechanics / P. K. Kundu, ELSEVIER-AP, 2016, Sygn. 7704
  23. Encyclopedia of Estuaries / M. J. Kennish, 2016, Sygn. 7705
  24. The Benthic Boundary Layer / B.P. Boudreau, OXFORD UP, 2001, Sygn. 7706
  25. Ocean Dynamics and Carbon Cycle / R. G. Williams, CAMBRIDGE UP, 2011, Sygn. 7707
  26. Marine invasive species in the Arctic / L. Fernandez, NORDEN, 2014, Sygn. 7708
  27. Ocean Biogeochemistry / M. J. R. Fasham, SPRINGER, 2003, Sygn. 7709
  28. Stable Isotopes as Indicators / T. E. Dawson, ELSEVIER, 2011, Sygn. 7710
  29. Environmental Science / G.T. Miller Jr., THOMSON, 2006, Sygn. 7711
  30. The Shipping Industry / T. Johansson., SPRINGER, 2015, Sygn. 7712
  31. Extreme Ocean Waves / E. Pelinovsky., SPRINGER, 2016, Sygn. 7713
  32. Sulphur Regulation - technology / E. Czermański., WUG, 2014, Sygn. 7718
  33. Interfaces Between Science / G. Pereira., Greenleaf, 2006, Sygn. 7721
  34. Cognitive Interviewing Methodology / K. Miller., WILEY, 2014, Sygn. 7724
  35. Narrative Methods for the Human Science / C. K. Riessman., SAGE, 2008, Sygn. 7725
  36. Theory Construction and Model / J. Jaccard., The GUILFORD Press, 2010, Sygn. 7726
  37. Constructing Grounded Theory / K. Charmaz., SAGE, 2014, Sygn. 7727
  38. Participatory Action Research / J. M. Chevalier., ROUTLEDGE, 2013, Sygn. 7729
  39. Stakeholder Analysis Metgodology / W. M. Babiuch., NREL, 1994, Sygn. 7730
  40. Basics of Qualitative Research / J. Corbin., SAGE, 2015, Sygn. 7731
  41. Facilitating Group Communication / L. R. Frey., HAMPTON Press, 2006, Sygn. 7732
  42. Five Ways of Doing Qualitati / F. J. Wertz, The Guilford Press, 2011, Sygn. 7733
  43. Stakeholder Dialogues in Natural / S. S. Kleemann., SPRINGER, 2006, Sygn. 7734
  44. Assessing Inequality / L. Hao., SAGE, 2010, Sygn. 7735
  45. The Content Analysis / K. A. Neuendorf., SAGE, 2002, Sygn. 7736
  46. Stakeholder Theory / R. E. Freeman., CAMBRIDGE UP, 2010, Sygn. 7737
  47. Learning for Action / P. Checkland., WILEY, 2006, Sygn. 7738
  48. Aquatic Organic Matter / P. G. Coble, CAMBRIDGE UP, 2014, sygn. 7641
  49. Cognitive Interviewing / G. B. Willis., SAGE, 2015, Sygn. 7739
  50. Strategig Management / R. E. Freeman., UOM, 2015, Sygn. 7740
  51. Stakeholders, Theory&Ppractice / A. L. Friedman., OXFORD UP, 2009, Sygn. 7741
  52. Systems Approaches / M. Reynolds., SPRINGER, 2010, Sygn. 7742
  53. Facilitating Group Communication / L. R.Frey., HAMPTON Press, 2006, Sygn. 7743
  54. Coastal and Estuarine Studies (60) / E. Kristensen., AGU, 2009, Sygn. 7744
  55. Cognitive Interviewing Practice / D. Collins (ed.)., SAGE, 2015, Sygn. 7745
  56. Situational Analysis in Practice / A. E. Clarke., Left Coastal Press, 2015, Sygn. 7746
  57. Working Through Environmental Cobflict / S. E. Daniels., PRAEGER, 2001, Sygn. 7747
  58. The Role of Submarine Groundwater Discharge / B. Szymczycha., SPRINGER, 2016, Sygn. 7748