Wykaz nabytków w 2012 roku - wybrane pozycje
- Ekologia molekularna / J. R. Freeland WN PWN, 2008, sygn. 7457
Ewolucja / D. J. Futuyma WUW, 2008, sygn. 7458
Markery molekularne / J. C. Avise WUW, 2008, sygn. 7459
An Introduction to Dynamic Meteo/ J. R. Holton ELSEVIER, 2004, sygn. 7461
IUTAM Symposium / J. P. Dempsey KLUWER AP, 2001, sygn. 7462
Ecological Geography / A. R. Longhurst ELSEVIER AP, 2007, sygn. 7463
Biostatistical Analysis / J. H. Zar PEARSON, 2010, sygn. 7464
Understandig Earths Polar Challenges/ I. Krupnik ICSU, 2011, sygn. 7466
An Introduction to Atmospheric/D. G. Andrews CUP, 2010, sygn. 7469
Numerical Modeling of Ocean Circulation/R. N. Miller CUP, 2007, sygn. 7470
Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice, 1978-1987/P. Gloersen NASA, 1992, sygn. 7471
Descriptive Physical Oceanography/L. D. Talley ELSEVIER, 2011, sygn. 7472
Marine Biogeochemical Cycles/R. James ELSEVIER, 2005, sygn. 7473
A Guide to Modeling Coastal / D. Roelvink WS/ICP, 2012, sygn. 7474
Numerical Methoods for Fluid /D. R. Durran SPRINGER, 2012, sygn. 7475
Phytoplankton Pigments / S. Roy (ed.) CAMBRIDGE UP, 2011, sygn. 7476
Chemical Biomarkers / Th. S. Bianchi PRINCETON UP, 2011, sygn. 7477
Oxidative Stress in Aquatic / D. Abele (ed.) Wiley-Blackwell, 2012, sygn. 7478
Primary Productivity /P. G. Falkowski (ed.) PLENUM PRESS, 2012, sygn. 7479
Carbon Cycling / K. KuliDski, J. Pempkowiak SPRINGER, 2012, sygn. 7480
Okrzemki, Flora Zat. Gd. Vol. 4/2 / M. PliDski WYD. UG, 2011, syg. 7482, 7493
The Optics of Life / S. Johnsen PRINCETON UP, 2012, sygn. 7484
Physiology/B. M. Koeppen (ed.), /ELSEVIER, 2010, sygn. 7485
Ocean drifters / R. R. Kirby FIREFLY Books, 2011, sygn. 7492
Bruzdnice / M. PliDski & P. M. Owsianny Wyd. UG, 2011, sygn. 7494
Current advances in algal K. WoBowski (ed.), IB PAN, 2012, sygn. 7502
Coastal Bottom Boundary Layers P. Nielsen, WS, 2009, sygn. 7504
Phytoplankton Pigments S. Roy (ed.), CAMBRIDGE UP, 2011, sygn. 7506, 7520
Influence of Climate Change J. Nihoul (ed.), SPRINGER, 2009, sygn. 7507
Ocean Circulation A. Colling, The Open University, 2002, sygn. 7509
Waves, Tides and Shallow-Water D. Park, The Open University, 2008, sygn. 7510
The Arctic Sea Ice Ecosystem I. A. Melnikov, G&B S P, 1997, sygn. 7511
Temporal and Spatial Differences M. Pastuszak, MIR-PIB, 2012, sygn. 7512
Interesy I spory w Arktyce K. Kubiak, Wyd. TRIO, 2012, sygn. 7513
Marine Geochemistry H. D. Schulz, SPRINGER, 2006, sygn. 7514
Biocentrism R. Lanza, Benbella, 2009, sygn. 7518
Environmental toxicology, D. A. Wright, 2009, sygn. 7521
Tributyltin, S. J. de Mora, 2009, sygn. 7522
Ice Ages and Interglacials, D. Rapp, 2009, sygn. 7523
Tracing the flow, A. SokoBowski, Wyd. UG, 2009, sygn. 7524
Cruise Tourism in Polar Region, M. Lueck , earthscan, 2010, sygn. 7528