Wykaz nabytków w 2010 roku - wybrane pozycje
Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy./ Joseph R. Lakowicz - New York: Springer, 2006. Sygn. 7111
Określenie statycznych i dynamicznych właściwości ciągłej hodowli biomasy w obecności kadmu jako inhibitora./ Jerzy Mazierski - Zabrze : Instytut Podstaw Inżynierii Srodowiska PAN, 2008. Sygn. 7212
Coral reefs: research methods./ - Paris: UNESCO, 1978. Sygn. 7113
Oceanography and Hydrography./ - Bremen: SE, AKGG, 2006. Sygn. 7114
Polska flota rybacka w latach 1921-2001./ Wiesław Blady - Gdynia: Morski Instytut Rybacki, 2002. Sygn. 7115
Problemy klimatologii polarnej (19)/ - Gdynia: Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Akademii Morskiej, 2009. Sygn. 7116
Mroźne zimy i upalne lata w Polsce./ - Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2003. Sygn. 7117
The Crustacea./ - Brill: Brill, 2006. Sygn. 7119
Biological Oceanography./ Charles Miller - Malden/USA: Blackwell Publishing, 2009. Sygn. 7120
Dynamics of Marine Ecosystems: Biological-Physical Interactions in the Oceans./ K.H. Mann, J.R.N. Lazier - Malden/USA: Blackell Publishing, 2009. Sygn. 7121
Oceans 2020: Science, Trends, and the Challenge of Sustainability./ John Field, Gottfield Hempel, Colin Summerhayes - Washington,Covelo,London: Island Press, 2002. Sygn. 7122
Microbial Ecology of the Oceans./ - New York: Wiley-Liss, 2000. Sygn. 7123
Future Bioenergy and Sustainable Land Use./ Renate Schubert - Berlin : WBGU, 2009. Sygn. 7124
Light Absorption in Sea Water./ Bogdan Wo¦niak, Jerzy Dera - New York: Springer, 2007. Sygn. 7125
Carbon and Nutrient Fluxes in Continental Margins: A Global Synthesis./ - : Springer, 2010. Sygn. 7126
Practical Guidelin for the Analysis of Seawater./ - Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2000. Sygn. 7127
Mapping species distributions: Spatial inference and prediction./ Janet Franklin, Jennifer A. Miller - Cambridge: Cambridge Iniversity Press, 2009. Sygn. 7128
World Ocean Census: A Global Survey of Marine Life./ Darlene T. Crist, Gail Scowcraft, James M. Harding, Jr - New York: Firefly Books, 2009. Sygn. 7129
Ecology of Marine Sediments: From Science to Management./ John S. Gray, Michael Elliott - Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. Sygn. 7130
Microbial Ecology of the Oceans./ David L. Kirchman - New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell, 2008. Sygn. 7131
Marine Ecology: Processes, systems, and impacts./ Michel J. Kaiser i in - Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. Sygn. 7132
Numerical Modeling in Open Channel Hydraulics./ Romuald Szymkiewicz - Dordrecht: Springer, 2010. Sygn. 7137
Carotenoids=Handbook./ G. Britton, S. Liaaen-Jensen, H. Pfander - : Birkhaeuser Verlag, 2010. Sygn. 7138
Primary Processes of Photosynthesis=Principles and Apparatus./ Gernot Renger - Cambridge: RSCPublishing, 2008. Sygn. 7139
The Polish Climate in the European Context=An Historical Overview./ Rajmund Przybylak, Jacek Majorowicz, Rudolf Brazdil, Marek Kejna - Dordrecht Heidelberg London New Yor: Springer, 2010. Sygn. 7140
On Biomineralization./ Heinz A. Lowenstam, Stephen Weiner - Oxford: xford University Press, 1989. Sygn. 7143
Marine Invertebrate Larvae./ - London: CRC Press, 2010. Sygn. 7144
The Theory of Islands Biogeography Revisited./ - Princeton: Princeton Iniversity Press, 2010. Sygn. 7145
Mapping species distributions./ Janet Franklin - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. Sygn. 7146
Island Biogeography: Ecology, evolution, and conservation./ Robert J. Whittaker, Jose Maria Fernandez-Palacios - New York: Oxford University Press, 2010. Sygn. 7147
Ecology of Marine Sediments: From Science to Management./ John S. Gray, Michael Elliott - Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010. Sygn. 7148
Eddies in Marine Science./ - Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 1983. Sygn. 7151
Seamounts: Ecology, Fisheries, Conservation./ Tony Pitcher - Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2007. Sygn. 7153
Introduction to Marine Biogeochemistry./ Susan Libes - Oxford: Elsevier, 2009. Sygn. 7154
Marine Ecology Concepts and Applications./ Martin Speight, Peter Henderson - Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010. Sygn. 7155
Stable Isotope Forensics: An Introduction to the Forensic Application of Stable Isotope Analysis./ Wolfram Meier-Augenstein - Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010. Sygn. 7156
Freshwater Algae: Identification and Use as Bioindicators./ Edward Bellinger, David Sigee - Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010. Sygn. 7157
Sedimentology Aqueous Systems./ Cristiano Poleto, Susanne Charlesworth - Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010. Sygn. 7158
Marine Fishes and Invertebrates of Alaska: Field Quide to Common/ Susan Byersdorfer, Leslie Watson - Fairbanks (USA): Sea Grant Alaska , 2010. Sygn. 7162
Advances in Coastal and Ocean Engineering (Vol.4)./ Philip Liu - London: World Scientific, 1999. Sygn. 7163
Marine Mammals of the World/ Thomas Jefferson, Marc Webber, Robert Pitman - Oxford: Elsevier, AP, 2008. Sygn. 7164
The Benthic Boundary Layer./ Bernard Boudreau, Bo Barker Jorgensen - New York: Oxford University Press, 2001. Sygn. 7165
Arctic Ocean Sediments: Processes, Proxies, and Paleoenvironment./ Ruediger Stein - Amsterdam: , 2009. Sygn. 7171
The Northern North Atlantic./ Priska Schaefer - Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2001. Sygn. 7174
Fronts, Waves and Vortices in Geophysical Flows./ - Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2010. Sygn. 7175
Marine Macroecology./ Jon D. Witman, Kaustuv Roy - Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 2009. Sygn. 7176
Marine Ecosystems and Global Change./ - New York: Oxford University Press, 2010. Sygn. 7178
Chlorophylls and Bacteriochlorophylls. Biochemistry, Biophysics, Functions and Applications./ - Dordrecht: Springer, 2006. Sygn. 7179
Photography with a microscope./ Fred Rost, Ron Oldfield - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. Sygn. 7180
Onychophora, Chilopoda, and Lesser Protostomata./ Frederick Harrison, Mary Rice - New York: Wiley-Liss, 1993. Sygn. 7181
Annelida./ Frederick Harrison, Stephen Gardiner - New York: Wiley-Liss, 1992. Sygn. 7182
Nanotechnology in Water Treatment Applications./ Eugene Cloete - Norfolk,UK: Caister Academic Press, 2010. Sygn. 7183
Discovering the Ocean from Space: The Unique Applications of Satellite Oceanography./ Ian Robinson - Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2010. Sygn. 7184
The Biology of Soft Shores and Estuaries./ Colin Little - Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. Sygn. 7185
The Unified Neutral Theory of Biodiversity and Biogeography./ Stephen Hubbell - Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2001. Sygn. 7186
The Biology of Rocky Shores./ Colin Little, Gray A. Williams, Synthia D. Trowbridge - Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010. Sygn. 7187
Life in the World's Oceans: Diversity, Distribution, and Abundance/ Alaisdair McIntyre - Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010. Sygn. 7188
Seagrass Ecology/ Marten A. Hemminga, Carlos M. Duarte - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. Sygn. 7190
Biological Clock in Fish/ Ewa Kulczykowska - Enfield, NH, USA: CRC Press, Science Publishers, 2010. Sygn. 7191
Procesy hydrodynamiczne w ekosystemach morskich./ Stanisław Massel - Gdańsk: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, 2010. Sygn. 7192-7203
Sensory Mechanisms in Bacteria. Molecular Aspects of Signal Recognition./ Stephen Spiro, Ray Dixon - Norfolk, UK: Caister Academic Press, 2010. Sygn. 7204
Stable Isotope Ecology./ Brian Fry - NY, USA: Springer, 2008. Sygn. 7210
Biotechnology and Genetics in Fisheries and Aquaculture./ Andy Beaumont, Pierre Boudry, Kathrin Hoare - Oxford/UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
Sygn. 7212