Wykaz nabytków w 2009 roku - wybrane pozycje
- Hubschmann H. J. – Handbook of GC/MS. Fundamentals and Applications, Weinham, Wiley-UCH, 2009. Sygn. 7023
Storch von H./Zwiers F. W – Statistical Analysis in Climate Research, Cambridge, CUP, 1999. Sygn. 7024
Giere O. – Meiobentology. The Microscopic…, Hamburg, Springer, 2009. Sygn. 7026
/…/ - Watersheds, Bays and Bounded Seas, Island Press, 2009. Sygn. 7027
Duke C. V. A. i inni – Chemistry for Environmental and Eart Sciens, Boca Raton, CRS Press, 2008. Sygn. 7028
Zhang C. – Fundamentals of Environmental…, Hoboken, Wiley-IS, 2007. Sygn. 7029
Hoffman de E. – Mass Spectrometry…, Chichester, John Wiley&Sons, 2007. Sygn. 7030
/…/ - Cold Ocean Physiology, Cambridge, CUP, 2008. Sygn. 7031
Quinn G. P. i inni – Experimental Desing and Data…, Cambridge, CUP, 2009. Sygn. 7036
Gray J. S. i inni – Ecologyof Marine Sediments…, Oxford, OUP, 2009. Sygn. 7038
Ruppert E. E. i inni – Invertebrate Zoology, Belmont, Brooks/Cole, 2004. Sygn. 7039
Brusca R. C. i inni – Inverterbrates, Sunderland, Sinauer Associates, 2003. Sygn. 7040
Wallace R. L. i inni - Inverterbrate Zoology, San Francisco, PBC, 2003. Sygn. 7041
Culver D. C. – The Biology of Caves and …, Oxford, OUP, 2009. Sygn. 7045
Little C. i inni – The Biology of Rocky Shores, Oxford, OUP, 2009. Sygn. 7046
Maun A. M. – The Biology of Coastal Sand Dunes, Oxford, OUP, 2009. Sygn. 7047
Michener R./Lajtha K. – Stable Isotopes in Ecology…, Blackwell Publishing, 2007. Sygn. 7048
Fry B. – Stable Isotope Ecology, Springer, 2006. Sygn. 7049
Bartolomaeus Th./Purschke G. – Morphology, Molecules, Evolution and…, Springer, 2005. Sygn. 7050
Gamst G. i inni – Analysis of Variance Designs, Cambridge, CUP, 2008. Sygn. 7052
Zuur A. F. i inni – Analysing Ecological Data, Springer, 2007. Sygn. 7053
Quinn G. P. i inni – Experimental Design and Data…, Cambridge, CUP, 2009. Sygn. 7054
Dytham C. – Choosing and Using Statistics, Blackwell Publishing, 2009. Sygn. 7056/7074
Hemming F. W. i inni – Lipid Analysis, London&New York, Taylor&Francis, 2008. Sygn. 7057
Weiner E. R. – Applications of Environmental Aquatic Chemistry, London&NewYork, CRC Press, 2008. Sygn. 7060
Lee R. E. – Phycology, Cambridge, CUP, 2008. Sygn. 7061
Gołąb J. i inni – Immunologia, Warszawa, PWN, 2009. Sygn. 7062
Lydyard P. M. i inni – Krótkie wykłady. Immunologia, Warszawa, PWN, 2008. Sygn. 7063
Patterson i inni – Ecological Economics of the Oceans and Coast, Bodmin, EE Publishing, 2008. Sygn. 7064
Feistel i inni (red) – State and Evolution of the Baltic Sea, 1952-2005, Wiley, 2008. Sygn. 7065
Emerson S. R./Hedges J. I. – Chemical Oceanography and the Marine Carbon Cycle, Cambridge, CUP, 2008. Sygn. 7066
Hoppenrath M. i inni – Marine Phytoplankton, Stuttgard, E.Sch. Verlag, 2009. Sygn. 7067
Grimm V./Railsback S. F. - Individual-based Modeling and Ecology, Princeton, PUP, 2005. Sygn. 7068
Lepparanta M./Myrberg K. – Physical Oceanography of the Baltic Sea, Chichester, Springer, 2009. Sygn. 7069/7070
Dytham C. – Choosing Using Statistics, Dordrecht, Blackwell Publishing, 2009. Sygn. 7074
Bogdanowicz W. i inni (red.) – Fauna Polski. Charakterystyka i wykaz gatunków, t. 1-3, Poznań, MiIZ PAN, 2004/2007/2008. Sygn. 7076/7077/7078
Namieśnik J. i Szefer P. (red.) – Analytical Measurements In Aquatic Enviroments, London, CRC Press, 2010. Sygn. 7083
Battarbee R. W. i Binney H. A. (red.) – Natural Climate Variability and Global Warming…, Oxford, Blackwell Publishing, 2008. Sygn. 7085
Unchovich M. i inni (red.) – Stable Isotope Techniques in the Study…, Dorchester, KAP, 2001. Sygn. 7088
Arts M. T. i inni (red.) – Lipids In Aquatic Ecosystems, Dordrecht, Springer, 2009. Sygn. 7089
Griffiths H. (red.) – Stable Isotopes integration of Biological…, Oxon, Taylor&Francis, 2006. Sygn. 7090
Libes S. M. – Introduction to Marine Biogeochemistry, Oxford, Elsevier, 2009. Sygn. 7093
Koslow T. – The Silent Deep, Chicago, The University of Ch. Press, 2009. Sygn. 7094
Dover van C. L. – The Ecology of Deep-Sea…, Princeton, PUP, 2000. Sygn. 7095
45. Pauly D. i MacLean J. – In a perfect Ocean, Washington, Island Pres, 2003. Sygn. 7096
46. Barnes R. S. K. i inni – The Invertebrates: a synthesis, Oxford, Blackwell Publishing, 2001. Sygn. 7098
47. Gaston K. J. i Spicer J. I. – Biodiversity: An Introduction, Oxford, Blackwell Publishing, 2004. Sygn. 7099
Magurran A. E. – Measuring Biological Diversity, Oxford, Blackwell Publishing, 2009. Sygn. 7101
Morin P. J. – Community Ecology, Oxford, Blackwell Science, 2008. Sygn. 7102
Valiela I. – Globar Coastal Change, Oxford, Blackwell Publishing, 2008. Sygn. 7105