On-going projects
- PROSPECTOR – do Permafrost-Released OrganicS amPlify ocEan aCidificaTiOn in the aRctic? National Science Center. 2020–2025 (K.Kuliński).
- SEA-Quester – Blue carbon production, export and sequestration in emerging polar ecosystems. 2024-2028.
- ALKALIS – Transport and transformation of total alkalinity from continental rivers the missing components for understanding pH variation in the Baltic Sea. 2024–2028.
Completed projects
- RAW – The impact of glacier retreat from marine-terminating to land-terminating on marine biological production and sea biogeochemistry in the Arctic.2021-2024 (K.Kuliński).
- ArcticSGD – Dopływ Wód Gruntowych w Zmieniającej się Arktyce: Zasięg i Wpływ Biogeochemiczny. 2020-2023 (B.Szymczycha).
- IDEAL – Investigation of seasonal variability of the water column and sediment DEnitrificAtion and anammox in the BaLtic Sea. National Science Center. 2020–2022 (B. Szymczycha).
- Impact of melting Arctic glaciers on the CO2 system and seawater pH in the adjacent fjords (Spitsbergen), The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange – The Bekker Programme, 2020–2021 (K.Koziorowska-Makuch).
- THE VISTULA RIVER – Transformations of the CO2 system in the Vistula River Mouth. National Science Centre. 2019–2021 (M. Stokowski).
- BIODOC – Estimation of the bioavailability and remineralisation rate of dissolved organic carbon released from the Gdańsk Deep sediments. National Science Center. 2020–2022.
- COmEBACk – Coastal Ecosystem functioning under different anthropogenic pressure – linking Benthic communities And biogeochemical Cycling in the southern Baltic Sea, Polish National Science Centre. 2018–2022 (K.Koziorowska-Makuch).
- BONUS INTEGRAL – Integrated carboN and TracE Gas monitoRing for the bALtic sea, 2017-2020 (K. Kuliński, B. Szymczycha, M. Stokowski).
- Modelling of the impact of the agricultural holdings and land-use structure on the quality of inland and coastal waters of the Baltic Sea set up on the example of the Municipality of Puck region – Integrated info-prediction Web Service WaterPUCK. The National Center for Research and Development, 2017–2020 (B. Szymczycha).
- PharmSeepage. Assessment of the groundwater discharge as a source of pharmaceuticals residues in the marine environment of the Bay of Puck. Polish National Science Centre. 2017-2020 (B. Szymczycha).
- SALSA – Structure and functioning of the acid-base system in the Baltic Sea. Polish National Science Centre. 2016-2019 (K.Kuliński, B.Szymczycha, A.Winogradow, M.Stokowski).
- CONTRAST – The cycling of biogenic elements in the marine environment. Determination the efficiency of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus burial rate of bottom sediments in two fjords of the West Spitsbergen (Hornsund and Kongsfjord). Polish National Science Centre PRELUDIUM 2015/19/N/ST10/01652, 2016–2018 (K. Koziorowska).
- DOMINO – assessment of influence of organic compounds on acid-base system in the Baltic Sea, National Centre for Research (K. Kuliński. B. Szymczycha, A.Winogradow).
- CLISED – Climate Change Impact on Ecosystem Health – Marine Sediment Indicators. Polish-Norwegian Cooperation Grants, 2014-2016 (A. Zaborska, A. Winogradow)
- Fulbright Senior Award, USGS, Woods Hole, USA, 2015-currently (B. Szymczycha).
- PINBAL – Development of a spectrophotometric pH-measurement system for monitoring in the Baltic Sea. BONUS Innovation project, 2014-2017 (K. Kuliński)
- MODUM – Towards Monitoring of Dumped Munitions Threat. Grant Science for Peace and Security NATO, 2013-2016 (J. Bełdowski, M. Szubska)
- Climate change influence to the Mercury bioavailability in the Southern Baltic Sea, National Centre for Research, 2013-2015 (J. Bełdowski)
- Investigation of geochemical processes in the groundwater and seawater mixing zone, National Centre for Research, 2013-2016 (B. Szymczycha)
- 4AGE – Arctic benthic food web spatial variability. National Centre for Research, 2013-2015 (A. Zaborska)
- GAME – Growing of the Arctic Marine Ecosystem. National Centre for Research, 2012-2015 (A. Zaborska, K. Pazdro, A. Winogradow, A. Malenga)
- AQUILO – Development of the selection method of the offshore wind turbine support structure for polish maritime areas. Applied Research Programme of the National Centre for Research and Development, 2012-2015 (K. Pazdro, J. Bełdowski, A. Zaborska, J. Walkusz-Miotk, A. Malenga, A. Winogradow)
CHEMSEA – CHemical Munitions SEarch & Assess (CHEMSEA) Founded by EU "Baltic Sea Region" Programme, 2011-2014. CHEMSEA will provide guidelines for disposal of sediments contaminated with chemical munitions or their degradation products, define bottom areas contaminated with CWA's, and assess the probability, range and ecological consequences of chemical warfare release from sunk munitions.
ANTYB – Contamination of the Gulf of Gdańsk bottom sediments by biologically active compounds from the group of antibiotics (WFOŚ/D/110/132/2011).
The quantification of seepage water composition and fluxes in the Puck Bay (2010-2013). Project financed by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education
Bioavailability and methylation potential of mercury in the Baltic Sea and Greenland Sea environments (2010-2013). Project financed by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education
Antibiotic residues in sediments from the southern Baltic Sea – concentrations and influence on bacteriocenosis (2011-2013).Project financed by National Center of Science. No.154355 (Pazdro K., Siedlewicz G.)
Assessment of the terrestrial dissolved organic carbon (DOC) input's influence on the carbonate system and pH of the Baltic Sea water. Project financed by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education within the framework of Mobilność Plus program. 2012-2014 (K. Kuliński)
- Baltic Sea Region Programme, The Strategic Project on Trans-national Commercial Activities in Research & Innovation, Clusters and in SME-Networks, Stardust, Karin Nygård Skalman, VINNOVA, Szwecja. 2010-2013, Projekt ma za zadanie tworzenie połączeń między instytucjami badawczymi, administracją a przemysłem.
- Grant Science for Peace and Security NATO, Towards Monitoring of Dumped Munitions Threat., MODUM, NATO SPS.EAP.SFP 984589, Jacek Bełdowski, 08.10.2013-08.10.2016, 1.1 Mln Eur
- Wpływ zmian klimatycznych na biodostępność rtęci w południowym Bałtyku, Magdalena Bełdowska, N N306 639640 , Własny – Jacek Bełdowski , Główny wykonawca
Baltic-C, BONUS-PLUS Project (2009-2011)
AMBER, BONUS-PLUS Project (2009-2011)
EUR-OCEANS Consortium
The role of the Baltic Sea in the oceanic carbon cycle (2010-2012), Project carried out in the framework of Baltex and financed by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education
The role of density anomalies in the toxic metal cycling in the aquatic environment. Project financed by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education
Modeling of the POC and DOC concentrations dynamics in the Baltic Sea, model validation and application (2010-2012). Project financed by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education
Determination of the carbon burial rates in the Baltic Sea bottom sediments (2010-2012). Project financed by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education
Risk assessment of pharmaceuticals presence of in the southern Baltic coastal areas, 2009-2011 founded by Polish Research Council. (Pazdro K., Siedlewicz G.)
Carbon fluxes in Atlantic and Arctic waters mixing zones, Greenland SeaCarbon fluxes in Atlantic and Arctic waters mixing zones, Greenland Sea, 2008-2010, founded by Polish Research Council. (Zaborska A.)
Allocation of contaminants by birds in Hornsund, Svalbard, 2006-2008, founded by Polish Research Council (Zaborska A., Pazdro K.)
Benthic sedimentary processes in the northwestern Barents Sea, 2005-2007, founded by Polish Research Council. (Zaborska A., Pazdro K.)
Application of Pb-210 dating method to the Arctic sediments (Kongsfjorden, Barents Sea), 2003-2004, founded by Polish Research Council, (Zaborska A.)
CABANERA – Carbon flux and ecosystem feedback in the northern Barents Sea in an era of climate change, 2003-2007, funded by Norwegian Research Council, (Zaborska A.)
On Thin Ice? – Climatic Influence on Energy Flow and Trophic Structure in Arctic Marine Ecosystems, 2002-2005, funded by Norwegian Research Council, (Zaborska A.)