Literature / references
- A fully-annotated imagery dataset of sublittoral benthic species in Svalbard, Arctic - 2021
- Coming home - Boreal ecosystem claims Atlantic sector of the Arctic - 2021
- The re-appearance of the Mytilus spp. complex in Svalbard, Arctic, during the Holocene: The case for an arrival by anthropogenic flotsam - 2021
- Environmental status of Svalbard coastal waters: coastscapes and focal ecosystem components (SvalCoast) 143 REVIEW 6 SvalCoast - 2020
- Range extension of a boreal amphipod Gammarus oceanicus in the warming Arctic - 2018
- Mytilus dispersal paper - 2018
- Macro-plastic, a new vector for boreal species dispersal on Svalbard - 2018
- Climate change opens new frontiers for marine species in the Arctic: Current trends and future invasion risks - 2018
- Mytilus in Arctic paper - 2016
- Yoldiabukta report - 1999
- Gipsvika report - 1990