Tromsø, 26th June 2024

Place: coast at Folkeparken, Tromsoya
Hour: 10.00-14.00 UTC
Longitude: 69°38'03"
Latitude: 18°54'09"

Taxonomic groupMethod of collectionIdentificationIdentifiers IO PANIdentifiers Tromsø
Microplankton water sample 0.5 dm3, from 0.5 m depth, 10 m from the shorelineinverted microscopeJozef Wiktor, Agnieszka Tatarek
Macrophyteshand collection, over 500 m along the shore, low waterstereomicroscopeJozef Wiktor, Agnieszka Tatarek
Zoobenthos and fishhand net collection, over 500 m along the shore, low waterstereomicroscope Marta Łukasik, Jan Marcin Węsławski,
Lech Kotwicki, Klaudia Gregorczyk
Sabine Cochrane
Zooplanktonconical net 180 µm, 50 m haul at the surface near shorestereomicroscopeMarta Głuchowska
Vertebratesrubber boat survey 3 km along the shorebinocularJan Marcin Węsławski

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